Congrats! What was the weapon of choice and the bullet/round used?I wasn't planning to go out today because I figured work would get in the way. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Meetings ended before noon so I hit the road. Hit the woods at about 1 pm and sat by a tree to watch a right of way for the rest of the day.
This buck was on camera here yesterday and the day before. So I thought I'd take the chance he'd stop by today. And sure enough he came walking up the trail I was hoping he would at about 2 pm.
The suppressed Stag 10 chambered in 308 did the trick. Blood trail wasn't that great at first but then it was like the faucet opened up to the point a blind man could've followed it. He ran about 100 yards and piled up.
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He was a fighter. Ear and nose torn up. Brow tines were either broken or almost worn slick. He had several broken spots on both sides. Definitely had a lot of character.
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Entrance and exit wounds.
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