In short to make this as easy as possible for everyone . Yes when we purchased our home we paid for a survey and had markers set , but none the less our neighbors are not what I would call bad neighbors but not good neighbors . Everyone shares a road and they do not want to or like the idea of helping keep the road maintained its a bone of contention with them they feel like its some kind of hardship that's not bearable and I want to have minimal and as good a relation as possible with them so as we prepare to fence our back yard we are considering the pros and cons of setting it back slightly per Oklahoma law or placing it directly on the boundary. As I said we have a survey so they have no leg to stand on per se if we elected to , but I know the law actually does state boundary fences are the obligation of both to maintain and I have zero confidence they would.
Knowing all this would you place the fence on on the exact property line or set it back slightly per Oklahoma law no more than 5 feet back keeping in mind we have clearly defined and visible property line markers in place ?
That way I can maintain full control of the fence and keep it maintained, mowed
Knowing all this would you place the fence on on the exact property line or set it back slightly per Oklahoma law no more than 5 feet back keeping in mind we have clearly defined and visible property line markers in place ?
That way I can maintain full control of the fence and keep it maintained, mowed