9/11/01 - 10 Years After

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Nov 28, 2009
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Great link .......... :)

Jsut some additional thoughts. I am very glad that nothing sigificant happened today (Terrorist's Attacks) but consider this:

What effect did 9/11 have on us? We traded our freedoms for a false sense of security by allowing Bush to pass and zerO to expand the disgraceful Patriot Act that all but repeals the 4th amendment. We created yet another bloated, inefficient, ineffective government agency in DHS. We allow the TSA to grope, humiliate, aand dehuminize our wives and daughters just to get on a plane. If anything, we should all be ashamed of ourselves for what we have allowed our own government to take from us.

Is it really worth it ?
I will add this statement from another site .......

"I briefly watched the narcissist fest on most of the cable news channels where it was more about them and New York than it was about remembering how much was lost 10 years ago. That said, I saw Bill Kristol actually say that he hopes that Americans don't demand the repeal of the patriot act or the dismantling of the bloated homeland defense structures that have been created because as he put it the military-industrial complex won the Cold War and the anti-terror structures built since 9-11 are the equivalent and without them we will lose the war.

I am actually quite sad that the lesson of flight 93 has been lost and the sheep syndrome that was present in many of the offices in the twin towers is still alive and well. On Flight 93, you have an example of individuals taking their lives or deaths into their own hands by taking the fight to little muslim men who relied on fear and sheepishness to accomplish their objectives. In contrast many of the accounts of survivors from the towers show that the overwhelming sentiment on that day was despite the fire, smoke, and destruction all around many chose to wait for "authorities" to come rescue them rather than trying to save themselves. The survival instincts of many didn't kick in until it was almost too late.

10 years later, we have the vast majority of people in the media still parroting the notion that the government can ensure our safety and security but only if we give up our liberties. [sarcasm on] After all it's just a little groping at the airport, a little surveillance through closed circuit cameras, a little intelligence gathering from online communications. No harm done, really! Trust us! That whole notion of liberty is a quaint idea but the post-9/11 world is a different place and we'll remind you of that every 9/11 when we hype the intelligence that shows the potential for another terrorist attack on that day (this year it was possible car bombs in NYC & Washington). We're really not fear-mongering, we're just making sure you don't forget that you could be snuffed out by terrorists at any time. Pay no attention to what your government is doing, they just have your safety and security as their highest priority. [sarcasm off]

I never forget watching the first tower on fire as the second plane flew into the second tower. I never forget watching people jump to their deaths. I never forget watching the towers fall. I never forget being called a bigot for telling a college student that it was muslims only an hour after the towers fell (stupid kid had no clue that there were people in the world that hate us for being infidels). I never forget hearing about the heroism of the patriots on flight 93. I never forget.

I also remember how much our government used that crisis to make a power grab on a scale that hasn't been seen since Lincoln or FDR was president. I remember being told from the pulpit that the highest duty of a citizen is to not question the government but to submit to it whether you agree with what it is doing or not. I remember being told that it is the highest duty to spy on your neighbor and call big sis' if you are suspicious. I remember being shown by DHS that it is white men that are the real potential terrorists and we should be watched. I remember being told that our veterans are potential terrorists because they may be discontent with the course their government has charted. I remember being told that our borders are more secure than they have ever been despite the numerous prayer rugs and korans that have been found on private land just north of the border and despite the fact that hezbollah has set up shop on the Mexican side of the border just south of California.

10 years later most of the "security" we have gained is mere window dressing to make people feel like all is right in the world again, while in reality we the people let our government do what the terrorists could not, force us to give up the very things that made America the last best hope for freedom in this world.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." -- Benjamin Franklin

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." -- Daniel Webster"

Sleep well all ..........
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