9/11/01 Where were you when you heard or saw the attack?

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Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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I was at work my junior year of college, happened to be the semester I spent at TCC between my transfer from OSU to OU. I was helping an employee unload some stuff off their van onto the loading dock, and he mentioned he heard it (one tower) on the radio. I thought it was a joke and was waiting for the punch line. I soon realized he was serious.

We quickly finished and went to the front of our store and watched the news on the wall of TVs for sale. Saw the other tower get struck and them both go down on live TV. There were customers at the store watching it too. We were all horrified. What an life-changing experience. My office was was right along US-169, which you know is a flight path for the Tulsa air port. It was super eerie not seeing or hearing any planes in the sky.

My wife was a freshman at OU at the time. She and all her friends went and donated blood at a drive.


Special Hen
Mar 20, 2009
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Moore, OK
I was in Atlanta for the Networld+Interop convention. I was staying on the 63rd floor of the Westin in Downtown Atlanta. I was watching the morning news and about to leave to get some coffee from Starbucks, when the Today Show started their coverage of the first plane crash. I sat on the corner of the bed watching the coverage when they showed coverage of the second plane hitting the building. They mentioned possible terrorist attack at the same time I was grabbing my bag and trying to get to the elevator. Luckily, I was able to grab an elevator, but paced back and forth until it reach the ground floor. I sprinted outside the hotel and headed for the convention center to meet up with my friends. Everyone was simply stunned! Then we realized that we were across the street from the CNN Center and wondered if it would be a target from a plane flying out of Atlanta. The Georgia State Police were on site and passed along the news that the FAA was grounding all aircraft. I was stuck in Atlanta until the FAA allowed commercial traffic again.


Jun 20, 2009
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Am I the only person that worked in a place that didn't have a T.V.? I had slept in,turned on the news, tower 1 was burning. feel bad about it now, I figured an air traffic controller had sodomized the pooch, said so to the then wife. Went to the clinic and was told that the second tower had been hit and that gas stations in OKC were charging $15/gallon so I got a little skeptical about the second tower. chewed the A** of the person about spreading rumours about price gouging turned out she was half right. saw the patients that showed up. people were concerned that if TSHTF they wanted their children to have their immunizations and adderall.

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I had been retired for over a a year. I had moved my oldest daughter to Orlando, Florida from Norman, OK five days earlier, driving a 26 feet long rental truck there. I flew out of Orlando on September 10th in the afternoon and arrived in OKC late about 10 or so due to thunderstorms in Chicago, was much younger then so I got up pretty much my usual predawn time and decided to ride my stationary bike instead of my street bike. Had TV on NBC Today show watching as I worked out, since I did not have or don't have cable or whatever. Not really funny, but one of my usual side notes: My long ago ex wife and her mother who I still have good relations with were in Orlando to help our daughter, too, get moved in. Well, had I stayed a day longer I would have had to drive back to Oklahoma with them, because they were able to get a rental car immediately in Orlando and drove straight through. I jokingly tell close friends it may have been "Murder in Mississippi", just kidding that folks.

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Stationed at the White House Communications Agency...heard the Pentagon got hit and went up on the roof of our HQ and saw the smoke rising. Knew things were going to be different for a long time.

Remember seeing one jet, that had just taken off from Reagan National, taking odd turns in the sky and wondering if it was another one looking for a target...turns out he was just trying to figure out how to turn around and land.

My wife had previously worked at the Pentagon, and her coworkers had just moved into the section that got hit...thankfully she was safe at home with our newborn baby boy and all of her coworkers were in their old office packing up loose ends.

RIP to the fallen.

Very interesting, how long were you there? Reason I ask is and probably before your time there, old friend of mine from Lone Wolf, USMC chopper pilot was Marine 1 pilot for the White House until sometime in the 90's. Thank you and your wife for your service.
Lone Wolf


Special Hen
Apr 4, 2006
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I was at Ahmed Al Jabber airfield Kuwait. I was in a tent getting ready to go to work. Saw the second plane hit the tower.


Special Hen
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
I had just got off duty. We were in Kuwait flying in support of Operation Southern Watch. Some night shift guys were getting ready for work and had the T.V. on. I heard about a "Small commuter aircraft" hitting the first tower. I got up to see the T.V. just in time for the second plane to hit.

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