I was going to say that with the difference between cast bullets and plated, you could pay for an aftermarket barrel pretty quick, but looks like you are already thinking about it...
For the volume you are shooting if you bought an after market barrel for your Glock you could shoot cast lead and save enough in two months to pay for the barrel. Then you could buy J&K cast bullets. I shoot them in my stock Glock barrel.
Your third month would save you enought to buy a Lewis Lead Remover from Brownells or use the pieces of a brass brillo type pad to get the lead out. I have the Lewis tool. J&k bullets produce less leading in my Glock barrel than in my six inch Storm Lake barrel for my G20.
The plating on lead bullets is thin and it is usually put onto soft lead bullets. Hard cast bullets are not a problem with leading. If you shoot lead bullets you can go with heavier bullets and get velocities down which will also keep leading down.
There are some pads that look like copper, but are steel with copper flashed on them. Bad JuJu for a barrel.