Amazon's Alexa is a SJW

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
While I wasn't crazy with some of the language in the video, it was interesting to hear Alexa's comments.

However, while she had a pretty good commentary on Mohammed, she said that Jesus was just a fictional character. Someone ought to program her to know that the Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet, so it appears that he is more than just a fictional character.



Special Hen
Sep 30, 2014
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edmond by way of North Carolina
More fake news meant to spark outrage that the big bad liberal agenda is out to corrupt your very soul.

This is the sort of thing that happens when you choose to live in an echo chamber and actively try and find ways you're being persecuted.

It's sort of like the big bad fake war on Christmas. Many love to throw out the charge that the liberals just love playing the victim card but it seems that they no longer have a monopoly on the victimhood market.

Jesus told us that as Christians we would be persecuted. We need not seek out ways that it might be happening and more importantly, we don't need to invent ways that it might be happening by misleading our outright lying about it.

No, Outraged Christians, Alexa Doesn’t Call Jesus a “Fictional Character”
November 30, 2017 by David G. McAfee

video released on Friday by conservative comedian Steven Crowder.

In it, he claimed Amazon’s Echo — or at least the digital voice at the center of it — was a “CRAZY SJW LIBERAL.” His evidence? When you asked the device “Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?” it responded by saying Jesus was a “fictional character.”

A number of conservative news sites fell for the hoax, including RedState and Ben Shapiro‘s The Daily Wire, and expressed outrage at the “progressive propaganda.”

The website Truth Revolt, founded by the right-leaning writer David Horowitz, said that Crowder’s video showed “the [Silicon] Valley-encoded intelligence is decidedly leftist.”

RedState, a popular website among conservatives, earnestly said that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was using the robot to push an agenda.

“We normally associate the Washington Post as his venue for spreading his progressive propaganda, but it turns out Alexa, the digital assistant produced and distributed by Amazon, is another way he pushes his agenda,” the website said.

As I said, Crowder is a comedian, so it wouldn’t be surprising if he did this as a joke. But, after being called out for it by people who fact-check things, he actually doubled down on his assessment of the Echo, telling the Daily Wire that he deserves an apology from anyone who doubted him.

The outlet actually retracted its initial article after discovering Crowder’s claim was false, but later republished a new story claiming to have “proof” of its veracity and calling those who claim otherwise “conspiracy theorists.”

The video of the clearly “editorializing” responses Alexa provided to simple, direct questions resulted in a flood of conspiracy theories accusing Crowder of “faking” the whole thing. In response, on Monday Crowder posted the raw footage of the back and forth with Alexa proving that her leftist slant is no “hoax.”

Crowder introduces the raw footage… by slamming those accusing him of trying to pull off some kind of hoax. No, “Simon says” mode wasn’t on, he explains, and they didn’t fake Alexa’s voice or ask Alexa different questions then deceitfully edit them for their purposes.

Crowder also said atheists appeared to be the most upset by his video, which he said surprised him:

“What’s so funny is the atheists are the ones who are the most angry about. I mean, she said ‘Jesus Christ is a fictional character,’ which is exactly what they believe, so you’d think they’d be happy about it,” he said.

“Whoever entertained these conspiracies owes an apology,” Crowder said in an email. “And hopefully will learn to trust Alexa a little less.”

As an atheist myself, I can tell you why I’m angry: Crowder is lying to people about what Amazon’s product does. He’s the only one who owes people an apology.

Amazon didn’t respond to my request for comment, but I personally invited more than 20 of my friends to conduct an experiment by asking their Echo the exact same question: “Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?”

The results? Every single person said Alexa read them a Wikipedia entry for Jesus Christ. And if you ask, “Who is our Lord and Savior?” Alexa says some variation of, “Sorry, I don’t know that one.”

In fact, it’s pretty clear that Alexa (much like many atheists) isn’t a Jesus Mythicist. If you ask the Echo if Jesus Christ is a “mythical character,” Alexa will say (again quoting Wikipedia) that “virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians have been able to prove the existence of Jesus…”

So, again, Crowder is lying and riling up his fellow conservatives, while the rest of us watch on the sidelines wondering how people are falling for it.

This is testable stuff, people! If you don’t believe me, try it yourself,


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Here's a follow up piece regarding such technology. Granted, this is an opinion piece, but it may still be very truthful.

From the story linked below:

"Google released a statement to Fox 17 saying it meant no disrespect to Christians or the Son of God.

“The reason the Google Assistant didn’t respond with information about ‘Who is Jesus’ or ‘Who is Jesus Christ’ wasn’t out of disrespect but instead to ensure respect,” Google said in a statement.

Hey Google, what is “load of hooey?”

A Google spokesperson went on to say that content from certain topics can be vulnerable to vandalism and spam. And if their systems detect such circumstances, the Assistant might not reply.

“We’re exploring different solutions and temporarily disabling these responses for religious figures on the Assistant,” Google said."

However, Google Home apparently had no problem with answering questions about Mohammed. It went to Wikipedia for that answer. Does Wikipedia NOT have any information on God and Jesus Christ?

"“Google, who is Allah?” one Google user asked on a now-viral Facebook video.

“According to Wikipedia, in Islamic theology God is the all-powerful, all knowing creator, sustainer, ordainer and judge of everything in existence,” the virtual assistant replied."

Who is Jesus? Google Home Doesn't Have a Clue

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