Another Well Known Hunter Finds Controversy

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Special Hen
Jul 20, 2007
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Native Okie stuck in OMAHA
Yea go to archery talk. OhioBooners is his screen name. Looks like they worshipped this dude over there like some form of hunting god and now he has vanished after some weird accusations or no accusations?! Its strange, but I didn't read the 80 page thread that literally grows by the second!


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Yea go to archery talk. OhioBooners is his screen name. Looks like they worshipped this dude over there like some form of hunting god and now he has vanished after some weird accusations or no accusations?! Its strange, but I didn't read the 80 page thread that literally grows by the second!
Ah I see said the blind man. I don't blame you, I don't have time to read 80 pages either.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
OB is Chad Tafft
Lots of theories of what he was trying to do.

Here is the cliff notes and some history.
Chad "OhioBooner" came on AT a few years ago as this very well spoken Christian guy with a hot wife. A very humble guy who's killed over 17 bucks scoring over 150". Keep I mind this guy is my age....
One buck scoring 213" plus numerous other 180-190" including a very nice 190s double drop tine 10. Him and anther member (Saskguy) are know to have the most impressive "portfolios" as far as bucks killed.
Well last year there was a thread by another guy named Chad (ChasenWhitetail) about an Obie buck that could possibly knock Hanson off the throne as the new Typical world record. It's a stud of a typical mainframe 14. The thread on this buck and ChasenWhitetail trying to kill him went over 100 pages. The buck was named OG or "Ohio Giant". Chad or OB started showing a lot of interest in the buck stating he knows where it lives and has seen him. Well this year OB (Chad) teamed up with Trophy Pursuit to document this quest to kill OG the possible new world record.
To make a long story short, a couple weeks ago OB did a video and started a thread on this journey to kill OG and talked about how this was all about the deer and to show it the respect it deserves and blah blah blah how he's gonna be very open and show us everything along the way. He showed video of this buck and had a whole story of what happened to it last year. Show picks of it from the stand saying he passed it last year cause he had already filled his buck tag.
A guy named Dean comes along and calls OB out! Warning him to come clean or he's going to "Out" him right in front of everyone. Well OB vanished....
Info comes out on OB, his big bucks were killed at DD RANCH a high fence place he loves next to. His big double drop 10 was a replica of a deer that was killed in the 80 which he bought.
Come to find out he hounded the other Chad (ChasenWhitetail) to tell him where he's seen the buck and let him use HIS pics and video of OG. Which a did! So OB made his video using pics and video that can from anther guy claiming them as his own.
Anyway that's the just of the story and OB has been unheard from since this weekend. He has closed his FB page and disconnected his phone.
The thread shows all this and a bunch more unfolding. Including calls to the DD Ranch owner verifying OB did kill his bucks on that ranch, ton of accusations of other members being involved etc.
It's lead to a lot of theories as to motive and what's really happened and why. Most believe now OB was just full of chit this whole time and saw an opportunity to use OG it's popularity and his pursuit of to gain fame off of and make some $$$

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