Got my pillar bedded Boyd’s pro varmint stock on my 223 axis, 20 moa rail, 4-16x50 I bought from @crrcboatz. Maybe I can find a spot to put some lead on a pig or coyote now

That's my pocket carry pistol. Smaller than a G26 and not as snappy.Scored a Springfield XDs 3.3 in 45acp for a good price at my favorite pawn & gun shop.
I was wanting something smaller for when carrying a full size 1911 was not practical.
This fits in my back pocket of my bibs and jeans and I also had this holster with mag carrier in my stash.View attachment 538298
I bought this from a member of this forum,,,
I've had it a week now.
Beretta 950 Jetfire in .25 ACP,,,
View attachment 538581
View attachment 538582
View attachment 538584
I test fired 18 rounds before I bought it,,,
They ran flawlessly so I bought it.
A couple of days ago I ran a box of 50 rounds,,,
Again they ran flawlessly.
I've wanted one of these little .25 Berettas for as long as I can remember,,,
Now I get to scratch that itch and pretend to be James Bond.