Anyone ever seen a UFO?

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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2020
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This will get me laughed at.
About 1am on a Thursday night, in the late 70s, I was driving west on a state highway in southern Montana (headed to a bear hunt that weekend). I saw an object above me and to just off to my right [hard to gauge accurately, but it appeared to be at least a thousand feet up]. The only visible part was a triangular display of three lights. But instead of being harsh, glaring beams they were fairly-dim and perfectly-formed spheres - with clear edges. Whatever it was... it followed along my path - matching my speed - for at least two full minutes (which seemed like a lot longer). It suddenly went straight up and out of sight... faster than any aircraft I'd ever seen before (or have seen since).
The state police denied having any aircraft up in that area (or anywhere, at that time of night). Not sure they even HAD a helicopter back then. Two small local airstrips denied knowing about any aircraft of any kind in the air at that time. I didn't check with the Naval Reserve Center, but two Army Reserve Centers denied having any air traffic then (Honestly, I'm surprised they even talked to me about it.)
Guess I qualify as having seen an unidentified something. Does that count?
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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I got hit by a ufo while standing directly behind a cow that suddenly coughed.
I saw that at a stock show in Kingfisher. We were sitting on our property boxes cussing and discussing when a beautiful woman and her escort walked behind a cow with her tail raised and her neck stretched out. There wasn't time to warn her.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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1977-ish. Riding with my best friend in his dark green, 4-door, gas-guzzling Galaxy 500. We had a couple of girl friends (as opposed to girlfriends) with us. It was late, we were on a deserted FM road NW of Houston going out to a place everyone called "Blue Light Cemetery"...near Addicks Reservoir. We weren't drinking and we weren't high.

We were pretty much hauling the mail down this road when three tiny lights in a triangle pattern, kind of alternating between red and orange. The color seemed to change as the lights moved left or right. They weren't in the sky...they were right in front of the they were hovering over the hood of the car. No sound and no other shape we could make out aside from the triangle pattern. They weren't particularly bright and I seem to recall I could see everything around the lights...the headlights on the road, the car hood, signs, etc... Robert slowed down to maybe 25 or 30 mph and we all saw it and watched it for 30 or 40 seconds as a I recall. Lots of "oohs and aahs" and "look at it now" conversation.

Next thing you know the lights are gone, the car is stopped and no longer running (with the key and lights still on), and it's off the road in the shallow and muddy ditch. None of us remembered going off the road and stopping. We were sort of dumbfounded and just trying to figure out what happened. We didn't have much luck getting the car back on the road until some old drunk dude in a raggedy pickup eventually came along and pulled us out of the ditch.

I have no idea how to explain it and everyone we told about it just said Robert drove off the road because he was too busy watching the "lights". I suppose that's possible but it didn't seem plausible that none of us remembered it. Of course, no other explanation really seemed plausible, either. I do remember we all decided going to the graveyard was a bad idea after that. For some reason I vividly remember, all these years later, we drove to a 7-11 near my house and I bought a Coke Icee. Weird how you remember stuff like that.

That's the only time I felt like I saw a UFO...even though it really wasn't in the sky.
This story reminded me of the green light we saw south of Lacey, OK. As highschoolers do, we all got together and decided to find out once-and-for-all whether the strange tales of the lights existed. I remember it was after the fourth as we all had leftover fireworks, and someone, :naughty: brought some cowboy koolaid. Anyway, per the instructions someone obtained, we were all at the bottom of the last of the three hills on a really secluded dirt road way out in BFE, popping firecrackers, drinking koolaid and having Roman candle fights when this green glow appeared toward the south of us. It was faint at first then ducked down behind the hill. Then it popped up again, this time it was a lot brighter. It again ducked behind the hill but we could still see the glow.

Koolaid fueled highschoolers with 1970's cars and trucks with 4 barreled V8's all decided in unison, "Them SOB green light thingy's can't get away from us!" Well after much scrambling and fumbling for keys and dust, a lot of dust, we screamed south toward the light and got to the top of the hill which was about one half mile distant, where about a hundred yards further, we saw a fork in the road both of which converting into cattle-type trails. There was no green light, no vehicle, no house and no vehicle tracks on either trail. There were no other gates, driveways, roads, nothing.

Being weirded out to the max we again in unison decided to go back into town and discuss the night's haunting observance. It has since become just another "green light of Lacey" story shared by 20 kids in the 70's.
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El Pablo

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 5, 2007
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Yep, I own a jdm one. Thanks again @thor447 and @dlbleak


Special Hen
May 16, 2006
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If I saw a real alien spacecraft I'd probably just think it was Skunkworks and our tax dollars at work. I'd think to myself, wow that's cool. Didn't know we had that. One morning I was loading up to go duck hunting and saw what was probably the Aurora project with its typical donuts on a rope trail since at that altitude it was lit up by the sun but dark down here. Again I just assumed it was some of our super cool gear. It was smoking fast though, very cool.

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