3800 s Eastern 73129, I used to load for the guy who delivered there
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Don't know if Hayden's middle initial was a C or not. But he did wear a patch and had a full head of white hair. As I said, he was my dad's uncle.I bought quite a bit of reloading equipment from Mashburn's. They had a box in a corner of the store that had used reloading reloading stuff in it. I got my Lyman case trimmer, a RCBS primer tool, lots of trimmer pilots, a powder trickler and a Lyman Sizer/Lubricator out of that box. Several of the pieces had a sticker with the initials H.C. I always thought that was Hayden. Does anyone know if his initials were H.C.B.? If I remember right he had a full head of white hair and was blind in one eye. Am I right or just wrong? I also have acquired a pre-64 Model 70 Win. .270 that Mr. Mashburn rechambered to .270 Mashburn. I have never seen in anything I have read where there was such an animal as a .270 Mashburn Improved. I had Hornady make me a set of custom dies for it. Can anyone here confirm if Art regularly had a .270 Mashburn Improved in his group of cartridges? There was a cartridge board in the shop that displayed chamberings but I only remember the 7mm Mashburn Improved.
Thanks for that info Ramco. Although he was a relative, ( my dad's uncle), I didn't/don't know much about his career choices. I thought he was part owner, but was not certain. He and my grandfather created a fairly large clan of Bryce's, with his, ( I believe) 16 and my Grandpa's 13 kids. So you can see that it would be difficult to know the specifics of any one family member.Hayden was Art Mashburn’s partner. When Art retired, he sold Arnold Beck, his nephew, 51% of the business leaving Hayden 49%. Beck commenced to drink and gamble it away.
Ran into a guy the other day that worked at Southwest, her name was Terri Bates and he said she passed away some years back.The lady that worked the checkout counter at SW Shooters was just about the nicest lady I’d ever met. Always friendly, smiling and would talk your ear off.
Never knew her name though.
Thanks, I always wondered.Ran into a guy the other day that worked at Southwest, her name was Terri Bates and he said she passed away some years back.