Archery hunters and arrogance

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Special Hen
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Midwest City
Define "hunting"... and better at "what"?

If hunting = killing, I am a much better gun hunter than bow.
If hunting = getting to the game as close as possible, I'm best with the camera :)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I never seen it between to two types of hunters..
i hunt all seasons as do many people i know..
maybe you need to find nicer friends...or less arrogant ones...


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
The Gray Area
I never seen it between to two types of hunters..
i hunt all seasons as do many people i know..
maybe you need to find nicer friends...or less arrogant ones...

I haven't seen it here, but I see it quite a bit on dedicated hunting forums. Its rampant on the various hunting groups and pages on Facebook, which I know isn't a good yardstick to measure the average person on, but its still there nonetheless.

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
"i'll fall for the trap"

because we stab deer with arrows at closer range than the average blackpowder, rifle, etc... hunter.....

:igetit:..i have no idea.

hear me out on this, for this is my "uh" to rifle hunting.

i enjoy rifle hunting its great don't get me wrong...i absolutely enjoyed watching my son take his first doe last year with a rifle. BUT for me i bought a rifle to go hunting with my buddies. i got alot of trigger time behind it because i have a range out behind the house. did a lot of reading on shooting and understanding my loads/guns etc... went out on my first hunt and dropped a buck at little over 250yrds. i was pleased and very happy, don't get me wrong. BUT for some reason i was not as pumped as the rest of friends and what not. what happen to me i think is that i did not hit spot on where i was aiming at and was a little self picky...but i smiled and waved and walked off. went out a few more times and got deer with my rifle and was pleased just never "JUMP FOR JOY". do i feel that way for others HELL NO, i enjoy hearing and seeing what others consider a goal and reaching it, etc.... my problem is that i see deer as a target, thats it thats all! some gun guys think i'm arogant, i understand, cause i don't get to wrapped up in it. BUT they/you might not get to put 500-700+ rounds a year threw your barrell (before the great ammo depression) at targets like i get too

now a friend of mine noticed how i would act on hunts...he asked if i was bored and i said a little. later he gave me his bow for a hunt and helped me get set up with it. later that day we went out. granted i had shot a bow before but never at game prior to this. i got setup and here comes a doe, next thing i know my blood is pumping, i'm breathing a little faster and felt that rush i guess i was looking for. 25yrd shot and the muzzy went..thawack i was jacked!

what does this rambling mean....maybe some of us look at it like "cool you shot a deer at 100yrds, congrats, i got my at 20yrds with an arrow", now the shooter is gonna be sore because bow guy is boasting.....HAVE I EVER SAID THIS OUT LOUD NOPE AND NOT NEVER!!!! but i have heard this. some guys just like to open their mouths and make others look bad.


May 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hell, a lot of traditional archery guys think they're better than those who use compounds or crossbows.

I don't get it either, but I've seen what you speak of.


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
We arnt arrogant.... We are Elitist lol
For those that have never seen the bow hunting Elitist mentality .264 is talking about, jump on over to ArcheryTalk and you'll see what he means. It's not just archers against gun hunters, it's transitional guys vs compound guys vs Xbow guys!!!
Now to play Devil's Advicate a little...
Yes I do have a bit of that mentality myself. Not that I'm better than anyone, its just more dedicated and proficient. But honestly, killing a deer with a bow ain't that hard LOL Nor will you see me out down a hunter for their weaoon of choice... EXCEPT running deer with dogs!!!!
To me, there is just more to the hunter who takes time to practice with his bow all year and knows the ins and outs of the archery game (scent control, wind, stand placement, shot placement etc) as compared to the guy who goes out opening weeked, knocks the dust off his 'ol-06 and keep it in a pie plate at 100 "good enough" walks around shoots the first thing they see, go home and say their a hunter type. But hey, thats just me..
Now that being said, I know there are plenty "Archery Hunters" that knock the dust off the bow, keep it in a pie plate at 20 etc etc.... I personally run around 10,000 arrows through a bow every year. But I'm also not just a bow hunter, I'm "in to" archery, more than guns and probably as much or more so than any one on here is with guns.


Special Hen
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
in the Boonies
heres why i prefer bowhunting and probably why some bowhunters may seem "arrogant" i guess. i think its because during bow season you will rarely see any other hunters out. then, right when gun season rolls around, there are orange hunters EVERYWHERE! people that normally dont hunt or even shoot their guns but maybe once a year come out and its just a little annoying. i still hunt during gun season, but there were a few years in a row that i only went during archery because it always seems like a war zone out with shots going off in every direction. or maybe thats just in the area i hunt.

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