ATF to Require Information on Frequent Gunbuyers in Border States

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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
We don't share a border, YESSS!

Not that I'd consider myself a frequent buyer though i wish I was. How are they defining frequent? More than 2 purchases a quarter? More than 10 a year? Whatever the number ends up being wouldn't the cartels just spread the straw purchases out among more people?
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
So what is the status of the investigation? Do we have any champions in the Congress insisting on a full and complete investigation? Or is the whole mess in the process of being swept under the carpet? Time for a special prosecutor?

The level of outrage seems way too low.

As far as I know, only Sentator Issa and Grassley have a Senate investigation going. That's what's leading to all this coming out. So far Eric Holder has flew the middle finger to this investigation and done everything he could to not comply from the looks of things. But Kenneth Melson, the head of BATFE is saying he's not going to be the fall guy for this. He is cooperating and even brought his own personal attorney to testify in the Senate hearing with the agency attorneys nowhere to be found. The general way of thinking on this is, that it is very bad news for the administration, but I'm not sure it wasn't a message to said administration to "fire up the shredders and cover your tracks, because it's fittin to hit the fan". No way Melson can sell that he wasn't involved, and heavily involved at that, so we shall see.

Now with all this in mind, note that the upcoming executive order that .prez is fixing to sign is supposedly going to impose many new reporting requirements on FFLs, and the rumor is that it will actually re-institute the AWB with a few enhancements. Whatever it ends up entailing will be heralded as a proof positive solution to all the guns crossing the border and will get all kinds of accolades in the MSM. I just pray that this sentiment will fail and the investigation gets expanded. Holder and Obama are impeachable if all this pans out to be what it looks like. And I would hope that some people end up in prison over this, who knows how many people died directly because of this crap?


Special Hen
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
what we will find is this was a program that started before the current administration as has been pointed out. and many in congress new this was going on. this is why its not really being driven.

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