Do your own research, but, you will find, that the NRA donated to Harry Reid's re-election in 2010.
They have done their best to "scrub" the internet of this...but, it is fact. The NRA supported Harry Reid.
People often think that 2A issues are only for republicans, but the truth is, they are across the aisle. There are many democrats who are pro 2A as well, and many republicans who are anti 2A. If we ask the NRA to ONLY focus on republicans, we would have lost the 2A a long time ago IMHO.
yes, Harry Reid is a very liberal senator. yes, I do not agree with his politics.
But I totally am fine with the NRA supporting all the politicians it can, and basically putting the fear in them. Would you rather have someone in charge of the senate right now who was pro gun or anti gun?
I for one am glad that Harry Reid is beholden to the NRA and I am glad the NRA has built ties with all these politicians. This is one of he things that makes the NRA effective. They are single issue: 2A, and don't focus on other political issues.