Decent little pistols. They have been around since OTASCO days. When OTASCO went out of business, my dad bought one for $40 I think it was on clearance. I was shocked because he was pretty much an anti gun liberal. He never shot it until sometime in the late 90's when I told him to bring it out to the house. Fired one cylinder with it and put it away. He passed a couple years later, and the first thing my mom told me was to go to the closet and get that damned thing out of her house.
I fired it a few times with a soldered part down in the trigger system coming apart so it didn't fire anymore. I gave the grips to one member that has since passed away and the frame to another member that doesn't post anymore during covid in 2021.
Pretty sure mine was the anomaly and not the norm in this model pistol. Way too many folks have one and shoot the heck out of them without issues. At least somebody got use of the parts.
Actually tempted to go get one at that price, but there are already a couple .22 revo's of a different manufacturer in the safe.
I fired it a few times with a soldered part down in the trigger system coming apart so it didn't fire anymore. I gave the grips to one member that has since passed away and the frame to another member that doesn't post anymore during covid in 2021.
Pretty sure mine was the anomaly and not the norm in this model pistol. Way too many folks have one and shoot the heck out of them without issues. At least somebody got use of the parts.
Actually tempted to go get one at that price, but there are already a couple .22 revo's of a different manufacturer in the safe.