Bounty hunter can legally break into your home

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
The law will make the have first hand knowledge. While I still do not agree with them making entry at all it is more strict than the current law where they just have to believe the person is there.

New law: they saw you go in the house or see you in the house

Old law: some Joe Blow told them you were there yesterday and usually stay there everyday.

It doesnt sound like it but this IS a (small) step in the right direction. Under existing statute they only have to reasonable suspicion. Now they have to have first hand eyes on beyond a readonable doubt. And they have to announce and demand surrender BEFORE forcing entry.
In my opinion if they know the dude is in the house they should have to wait for him to exit or call leo's if there is an actual warrant and not just a "bond surrender". But they at least tightened tge reigns on an unregulated industry.

Hmm. "or other factual evidence provided directly to the licensed bail enforcer that confirms the identity and presence of the defendant within the dwelling house" sounds like they still don't actually need first hand eyes on knowledge that the person is in the house - just first hand knowledge from someone telling them the person is in the house. Of course if it turns out to be wrong it wasn't "factual" evidence, but that would be only be found out after the fact and potentially too late to do anyone any good.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Have you ever taken the MMPI? Five hundred and fifty questions about have you ever dreamed of hurting an animal. When I was done with that test I wasn't sure if I was crazy, but I was pretty sure the psychologist was.

Yes, I did take the MMPI when I became a police officer and I remember it well. It's one heck of an "exam" but it was designed to be that way so that it breaks through our normal "canned" answers to questions. It's actually amazing what they learn from the test, I'm not sure what you did but after the test was "graded" we also did a one on one with a psychiatrist. When I was done I asked about the test and he explained a lot of it which was quite fascinating.

I also have worked as a bounty hunter and have met several other bounty hunters that were worse than any of the people they were going after...there definitely needs to be some kind of change.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Have you ever taken the MMPI? Five hundred and fifty questions about have you ever dreamed of hurting an animal. When I was done with that test I wasn't sure if I was crazy, but I was pretty sure the psychologist was.

Yes, I did take the MMPI when I became a police officer and I remember it well. It's one heck of an "exam" but it was designed to be that way so that it breaks through our normal "canned" answers to questions. It's actually amazing what they learn from the test, I'm not sure what you did but after the test was "graded" we also did a one on one with a psychiatrist. When I was done I asked about the test and he explained a lot of it which was quite fascinating. I personally know four officers who took the MMPI and answered how they thought they were supposed to answer instead of being honest and were required to retest, in two cases retest twice, because they attempted to lie their way through. Why? because a lot of the questions are so personal it makes people very uncomfortable answering truthfully but the test is designed to catch you lying and it's pretty good at it.

I also have worked as a bounty hunter and have met several other bounty hunters that were worse than any of the people they were going after...there definitely needs to be some kind of change.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
I actually took the MMPI to get a job at a stereo shop. The owner was a bit of a nut job. He paid for it, so wth. I ended up becoming a manager there. A while later he paid for my wife to take it, just for us. He didn't get the results, it was just for us. It really is pretty amazing. my life has changed a lot since then, it would be interesting to take it again and compare.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Personality inventories can be interesting... I took an online one, and it said that my most apparent personality trait is that I am hypomanic. I had no idea what that was before I took the test. Learning about it helped me better notice some of the dumb $#!t I do and work on it.
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
oklahoma city
It all goes back to the western days, Bounty Hunters have always been able to enter any house that the person listed on the bond sheet. It is pretty stupid, you have people out there with no training chasing bad guys. When my buddy and I did this, we always included the local police "Always".

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