Boy Scout Help / Information

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Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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I need some help and I hope those of you here can point me in the right direction.

I am an Eagle Scout and was heavily involved in Scouting in the 80’s and 90’s. I have a son who is 5 and I am debating on getting him into Scouting.

I have seen, heard, and read what Scouting has turned into the last 10+ or so years. With this in mind, can anyone suggest a Pack and eventually a Troop?

I have read that there are still some all boy Packs and Troops. Is this true? How do I find those?

Can the sponsors (churches in my day)of the Pack/Troops still hold sway over the content being taught and the moral character of the Scout Masters of the Packs/Troops they sponsor?

To be blunt, I want my son to be in a Christian, Conservative, all male Troop.

I know Packs usually have a lot of mothers involved, I understand the reasons for that, but when he gets to a Troop, men should guide boys in how to be men.

We live in eastern Mustang on County Line Road. I hope there is a Pack/Troop that is in the western OKC area that someone can recommend to me that’s fits the aforementioned criteria.

In today’s liberal PC cancel culture I can appreciate the fact that some of you may not want to speak in an open forum about the BSA and Packs/Troops in the area, please feel free to PM me if you want your recommendations kept private.

On my honor as a Christian, Eagle Scout, and former US Marine, your private recommendations will stay with me.

Thank you all for your help.

“Watch your six, count your rounds, and keep your powder dry.”


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
Just this morning I heard it's been 2 years since girls were allowed and that there is 1000 girls to be inaugratered to eagle scout.. I had a flash back to when I was a boy scout in the 70's, my how times have changed.. We wish you the best of luck and totally agree with your thoughts..


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 9, 2007
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Green Country
Just start visiting the packs in your area, ask questions, watch the kids and you should see if it’s a good fit for you and your son. Be a den leader and lead the boys the way you feel is right. These days we have to step up and not hope it works out. Take control what you son learns, you are the best teacher for him, but you have to lead so he knows what a real leader is, at home in scouts and life. As far as the girls go, they are mostly lead by females, and I believe that is the guidelines from BSA. I lead my youngest son in his den for 5 years and helped in the troop he joined, be involved always, if the group your with goes south, then find something else. BSA is a good place for boys, but it’s the volunteers that make the difference.

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 20, 2011
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Just start visiting the packs in your area, ask questions, watch the kids and you should see if it’s a good fit for you and your son. Be a den leader and lead the boys the way you feel is right. These days we have to step up and not hope it works out. Take control what you son learns, you are the best teacher for him, but you have to lead so he knows what a real leader is, at home in scouts and life. As far as the girls go, they are mostly lead by females, and I believe that is the guidelines from BSA. I lead my youngest son in his den for 5 years and helped in the troop he joined, be involved always, if the group your with goes south, then find something else. BSA is a good place for boys, but it’s the volunteers that make the difference.

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This is the way. YOU make a difference in your son's life and those around him.

My cred? I'm a third generation Eagle Scout. My son is a fourth generation Eagle Scout. I am currently the District Advancement Chairman for the Cimarron Council Pawnee Bill District. ( I approve all of the Eagle Projects then hold the Eagle Board's of Review)

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