Bring on the Patron'

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Jul 30, 2010
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And, you can make diamonds from the stuff.

Click here please.

What I wanna know is,,,
How much tequila did they have to drink,,,
Before one of them said, "Hey, I wonder if I can make diamonds out of this stuff."

I find it amazing that I was over 60 years old,,,
Before I discovered the joys of sipping some "good" tequila.

In my wild youth I thought Jose Quervo was the good stuff,,,
But there's a reason you take salt and lime with it,,,
It's the only way to make it palatable.

But, pour a 2 ounce glass of something like Maestro Dobel Diamante over one ice cube,,,
You have a handful of sipping liquor that is absolutely divine.

Runs around $60.00 a bottle,,,
But it's worth it.



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