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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
I'm planning to post this in my blog tomorrow, any feedback welcome,

These are the demands of We the People

1: Mandatory fire arm familiarization classes at the grade school level in all publicly funded schools.

2: Mandatory inclusion of shooting sports in the sports programs of all publicly funded Jr. high and high schools.

3: Mandatory offers of free classes at the county level to allow all citizens to learn safe gun handling.

4: Mandatory programs allowing a responsible citizen to acquire one rifle, one shotgun, and 1 pistol or revolver of their choice, from the government at no cost to themselves.

5: Mandatory programs to ensure every citizen access to enough ammunition to promote and retention of their gun handling skills.

6:Mandatory programs to make firing ranges available to citizens by offering zoning and permit variances until there is 1 gun range for every 5,000. citizens.

7: Mandatory programs offering intensive training to the members of the traditional minorities in an attempt to undo the damaged caused by government programs used to disenfranchise and disarm them.

8: Mandatory Regulation of the print news media.
All businesses who derive the majority of there income by printing daily news reports shall report every defensive gun use on the front page for at least 3 days following the first report of the news item, during this time period any news story reporting criminal fire-arm usage will only be allowed to be printed past page 4.
Any news of a spree killing will only be printed 1 time and only in the last section of the news paper.

9: Mandatory Regulation of all businesses that offer audio and or visual broadcast news shall be required to broadcast all accounts of defensive gun use as the lead story for the 3 day period following the initial news report. Any news of a murder spree will only be mentioned once a day, and the report will only be allowed to use 30 seconds.

10: All federal employees working for agencies not directly involved in law enforcement who are allowed to carry firearms on the job shall be required to take a proficiency test every 6 months, the successful completion to be indicated by the display of a document and possession of an I.D. card attesting their certification. They shall display their I.D. card upon the request of any citizen. They shall also be required to carry their firearms openly if worn during the performance of their duties as an agent of the state.

We might be open to a compromise in the spirit of bipartisanship and merely settle for the full restoration of our 2nd amendment inalienable enumerated in the constitution and granted by nature and nature's god right to carry firearms whenever and wherever we choose.

Or we could keep pushing until our right to keep and bear arms for defence of self, home neighbourhood and country is recognized to apply not just to fire-arms but to all weapons including but not limited to all knives, swords, clubs, sprays, tazers, brass knuckles, weighted gloves, switchblades, spears, lawn darts, morning stars, saps, batons, telescoping batons, telescoping batons hidden in mag-lights, mag-lights, flame throwers, grenades, shuriken, bolo's, dirks, daggers, blowguns, cannon, slings, slingshots, trebuchet's, quarter staff, 3-part staff, machetes, kukri, pool cues, briefcase nukes, bazooka's, RPG's, socks full of marbles, socks full of pennies, socks full of potatoes, garrottes, pointy sticks, bananas, elder berries.....

Until we needn't play Waco vs Romanian Rules
Keep you Powder Dry Baby!!
Molon Labe!!!


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
You are "touched" aren't you? 90% of what your demands are will never happen. Making demands usually goes over real well in negotiations btw. Government funded firearms for all!!! We cant even fund the BS committee, groups, and teams we have now.

Seriously, is this a joke? Did I just fall for it?

Where's Ashton? Am I being punk'd right now?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you for the comments, that's just the response I was looking for! If sit down to negotiate and let the other side determine our initial position, we are screwed. I hoped people would make it to this,

"We might be open to a compromise in the spirit of bipartisanship and merely settle for the full restoration of our 2nd amendment inalienable enumerated in the constitution and granted by nature and nature's god right to carry firearms whenever and wherever we choose."

but not very hard=).

@ ripnbst 'touched' as in crazy? You betcha, watching another mass murder of little kids, knowing that this tragedy could have been prevented, that "Iwillneverwritescumbagsname", should have been put down for being a rabid dog as soon as he stepped in the door , really did break something in my head=). I can't get away from it, I own a piece of the blame, in my eyes everyone here owns a piece of the blame, if we had done our job as citizens, they wouldn't be loading those little bodies into the meat wagon. We sit by and gripe and moan and ***** about our society, the anti-gun propaganda that spews from the mainstream media, the attempts by politicians to disarm us, all the little tit for tat snipe sessions I've seen here. Those little kids didn't need to die. I just can't get away from it, those little boys and girls should not be dead. For years I've walked a mental tight rope, trying to keep the fact that what happened in Connecticut to a group of defensless children, is just part of daily life in some parts of the world. That little kids die from horrific deaths Every Single Day. This event is where I fell.

And now I see all this talk of 'starting a conversation" and "common sense gun control' and it's the same old tired bullsheisse!
Explain to me why we should give up the gains we have made towards restoring the 2nd amendment. WE KNOW THE TRUTH, that none of the 'ideas' the politicians and the gun banners want to use as the start of negotiations work , that these 'reforms' are useless in preventing another spree killing! If we let them have their way, if we let them make the debate about magazine size, or scary looks, or any of the other same old tired crap, then you should know as well as I do that we will be watching more little bodies being put into the ground because we didn't have the stones or the smarts to stand up and say, F U your ideas don't work! Your demands that we disarm won't stop the next spree killer! So we are not going to do that.
So yeah 'touched' I like that.=)

@ twoforflinchig
It's okay, you don't have to be ashamed. None of us are perfect=)
Hey the founding fathers only meant to protect living speech, not recordings. They didn't have any idea about 24 hour news shows or the internet. Besides most of them kept slaves. Didn't you see the stories where some hill billy preacher threatens to burn a copy of the Koran, and next thing you know you got all these here hadji's throwing rocks at our troops and setting IED's up at every 4 way stop in Iraqastan. Speech is dangerous, shouldn't we have a conversation? I'm just talking about common sense speech control, we can have a conversation about that, can't we? Or are you one of those extremists?

All sarcasm aside, I am deadly serious about the throttling of the media in how they report on spree killings. I don't mind if they report it, I just don't want them to sensationalize it.

If you find any spelling or grammatical errors, I am happy to be notified, but I won't accept errors as a rebuttal. I have more important things to worry about. Don't you?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
Reaction score
Del City
Dude, I've known you for many decades. These gius dont know you as well as I do and don't know where you're coming from. You need to be very clear on what goals you have and how this strategy mighy be effective. Be prepared for responses that still think you're "teched in the head".


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2009
Reaction score
see this is why I have a hard time with forums.

All of these demands were either considered normal at one time, or are normal today in some other country.

I think we should start 'negotiations' at these mandates, and not at the gains we worked so hard to get back.

I think a country that incorporates these positions, is just a possible as the country we live in now.

I think life in such a place would be an improvement.

I doubt many spree killers would be successful.

I just don't think we are going to solve the spree killer problem, by banning magazine capacity, or barrel shrouds, or assault weapons.

I think giving the gun control advocates what they want will make things worse.

I think the media will go crazy supporting the gun banners and our side won't get a fair shake.

I think the "conversation' the anti's want to have, is a euphemism for we are banning your guns and if you resist we are banning you too.

I can't stand the thought of some psychotic killing some more little kids, after walking past the 'gun free zone' signs.

I think if I don't push for this, then at a future date I will see little kids being into little coffins, and when I look down I will see blood on my hands.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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