I'm glad to see we share the definition that good for guns, means good for all.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - so Socialism with a dash of 2A flavor. Nice. At least it falls inline with the NRA's flavor of Statism. But hey, as long as it's "good" for guns, it must be good.
I just think NRA flavoured statism is tastier than Brady Campaign statism, but neither can hold a candle to chocolate, caremal socialism, with sprinkles.
Unless your being sarcastic in which case never mind. 1-5 is socialism? Sure I suppose if you need a reason to dismiss an idea and you like the word socialism, then we could stretch it enough to label these, Crom knows the term has been used to label everything else.
My thought exactly. WTF does extra liability mean? Liability for who? Liability from who? Generally civil liability is the purview of the state, if the state declares no liability exists then there is no liability.6 - WTF is that supposed to even mean?
It's your term, but until you make your case, I can assert that all liability can be safely dismissed by a government official saying, "We don't see a liability".
So you mean in your mind minorities are inferior?7 - So non-minorities are superior to minorities in your mind?
Ah, but since good is the natural state, and since all good is the bane of all evil, everywhere, evil can't help but be used for good.8, 9 - Evil can't possibly be used for good.
Exactly=)10 - See 6.