Cancer Sucks

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
Cancer does indeed suck!

Cancer killed my father and one of my very best friends. We know several other people who are either battling it or have loved ones who died from it. As for me, I went in Wednesday for a biopsy, just praying it comes back negative.

Prayers for all who are fighting it or have loved ones who have it or succumbed to it.
I'll say a prayer for you if you don't mind.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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I've had a few relatives die with/of various types of cancer, & I'm convinced that many modern allopathic 'cures' are worse than the ailment. Like this 'chemo-therapy' stuff; my mind, it's like burning down the whole house 'cuz they saw some termites in the bathroom. Many types of mushrooms (Chaga, Turkey Tail, etc...), can turn this stuff around, & as mentioned- some cannabis products can help too. But 'Drs.' aren't 'allowed' to know this (or at least, tell their patients).
A couple of years ago, I had a 'thingy' on my temple removed. It was skin cancer.
Two years later...(or is it 3)? I just remember it was removed in early July...but now it's baaaack!
Just a few mm's from the original spot, but still an inch from my little brain.
I have no Doctor, no insurance, or any of that...but I'm 'experimenting' on it.
Probably just need to sell sumpin' & get it cut off...again.
Anybody know any good physicians (or vets) who do 'side jobs'....I'll make ya a package deal on that & a lipoma (fat ball) on my elbow ;-)


Old Truckers Never Die
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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 12, 2022
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Sierra Vista, AZ
We lost our son when he was 28. He has been gone 14 years now.My wife can't move on and I think of him every single day. The hole in your heart will never heal. After his surgery, the doctor said he had 6 week and no more than 6 months. He fought it for his two sons and made 18 months. I have several regrets. I never really talked to him about how he felt about dying. I guess because I was hoping for a miracle. He has a rare cancer DSRT, and only 200 cases in the world at that time.. I'm 72 and I think I would not go through what he went through. I guess I might for my other two grandsons who are close by. They are 13 & 17.
I honestly think there is a cure for most cancers, but too much money for the Doctors and BIG PHARMA to loose out on!.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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We lost our son when he was 28. He has been gone 14 years now.My wife can't move on and I think of him every single day. The hole in your heart will never heal. After his surgery, the doctor said he had 6 week and no more than 6 months. He fought it for his two sons and made 18 months. I have several regrets. I never really talked to him about how he felt about dying. I guess because I was hoping for a miracle. He has a rare cancer DSRT, and only 200 cases in the world at that time.. I'm 72 and I think I would not go through what he went through. I guess I might for my other two grandsons who are close by. They are 13 & 17.
I honestly think there is a cure for most cancers, but too much money for the Doctors and BIG PHARMA to loose out on!.
$$$$$, BIG $$$$$ is the main goal of these Rockefeller school trained Allopathic 'Doctors'.
ALL they can 'do' for ya is sell you questionable patented (i.e., not Natural) drugs, irradiate your ass, & cut you up into various sized chunks. Any other 'big ideas' (like actual healing, or using un-patentable Natural substances) will get them kicked out of 'Med' School (That's MEDication school, not medICAL school).
This business model goes all the way back to 'Devil Bill' Rockefeller, a true 'Snake Oil' salesman-
The Rockefeller clan has been monopolizing 'Doctorin'' for well over a Century now, & I think I read that Americans (5% of the World Population) choke down 95% of the World's pills....(which sounds about right).
All you have to do to become a Physician is pay lots of money to parrot back the 'answers' in their books, & never ask any questions. You can go right to the top of the class, & make all your investments back (plus lots more) by slinging whatever 'drugs' they dictate that you sell at the time. Screw 'Side Effects'!!! The only 'side effect' is that everything they'll allow you to sell causes more damage, which leads to ever more (expensive) 'scripts. Plus; doctors tend to be treated like gods in our society, & many seem to enjoy their status. I treat 'em like they deserve to be treated, & judge them individually...just like everybody else. I also barely ever watch TV, & am immune to their talk shows & constant barrage of drug ads begging me to , 'Ask your doctor if it's right for you'. It's very likely NOT 'right for me''No thanks'. They've killed off WAY too many of my favorite folks with this insane parody of 'Health Care'...mostly because they don't know any better....&...'cuz.....$$$$$$$$. Yet, still; hoards of people (mostly who are too sick to drag themselves away from the TV) WILL ask their High Priest(ess) of Pillage to fix 'em up with the latest Perfected Panacea.
I know people my age who ingest grocery bags of their crap...& some are actual Zombies in diapers. They'll dutifully go to more 'appointments' in 2 wks. than I'll get to in 2 decades...but then, I don't have 'Insurance' to 'Insure' that I get professionally tortured on a regular basis, either. I might go to a doctor after I KNOW what's wrong (as most ailments can be researched on the 'net these days) IF it's beyond my capability fix it. I will also walk out if they try any crap....just like at any car mechanic's shop. Last time I went, they were in shock that I wasn't on a pile of prescriptions & had to make **** up just to fill in the blanks on their little 'forms'.
Yup; I'm old, cheap, & possibly mean....but at least I ain't no voluntary Diaper Zombie!
I never do 'procedures'. They way I see it, there are basically 2 types of people who want to look up my ol' orifices. The first kind is a freak who'd do it for free, & the 2nd kind is more of a whore who doesn't enjoy it, but is willing to maintain some type of decorum for the money. Neither one impresses me.
I'm convinced that many 'Test Results' are just there to scare people into paying for the test equipment, and then start 'Treatments' for whatever the damn thing 'says' (which can be up to 'several factors')...rarely ever beneficial to the patient.
Curing most cancers is entirely possible; just as 300 mpg gas powered, water powered, or highly efficient electric cars are a reality...just not under 'Their' 'System' of control. A big part of ditching cancer is avoiding sugar that feeds wayward cells. Even a simple thing like Baking Soda can do wonders to neutralize it.
Just as 'strange' deaths have occurred among inventors in the energy sector; many real medical pros have been 'quieted' by the 'Medical Mafia'.
...Look at the 'Covid' scam- they'll stop at NOthing, & make Billion$ by bumping us off. Much like the Border Invasion, they don't even try to hide their plans of Genocide any more. Ever hear of the 'recently deceased' Dr. Vladimir Zelenko? He was another of the latest Hero victims in the war against Big Pharma-
I'm very sorry to hear about your son (I've got a great one myself). My son's very aware of scammers, but they took out several of my family members who blindly trusted their Big Pharma Lobby funded 'Health Care Professionals'.
I wouldn't trust most of 'em to change an old Band-Aid- & until I meet a good, legitimate doctor whose only goal is to actually cure people & prevent disease, I'll just do what I can by/for myself. No Coke machines in the lobby, or dentists with a bowl of suckers on the pay-out desk for me, thanks. You ARE what you eat, so you suckers can keep yer suckers.
Fortunately, people are rapidly waking up to all forms of Big Gov hoaxes & control- & I see a 'Revolution of Truth' coming in on ALL fronts. Look at Sri Lanka, & the Netherlands.
Pardon my rant, & all the Best to any who took time to read it ;-)
I sure can type a lot for an old geezer who uses one finger, huh?
Remember, kids:
Quacks r fer ducks.
Not docs.

Oh; & Post Script-
Do NOT take those damn 'Statins'! These evil *******s try to convince everyone that they suffer from 'High Cholesterol'. Cholesterol is a GOOD thing! It's what your BRAIN is composed of, & it regulates your body's HORMONES. Statins dissolve your brain, & make you sick, tired, & sore. Both of my parents, as well as friends & other relatives have exhibited rapid cognitive decline as a result of this 'trend'. Don't trust me (OR a 'Doctor') do your own research....while you can still comprehend what you're reading. Once you get too stupid, they can talk ya into ANYthing!
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Endless Dr. visits and proposed procedures' so some cat can get his name in a medical journal.
Cancer is a lonely ass curse. I don't care what anyone says, that time in the middle of the night when the meds are not doing a thing, and it you, pain and mortality, it's lonely as hell.
You don't want people to go through it with you but unfortunately you drag your husband/wife along for the ride because they love you and hurt too. So please think about the spouses as well and say a prayer for them. As silly as this sounds, I wish I could take my wife's pain away but I can't so try to help them too by being a friend.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Endless Dr. visits and proposed procedures' so some cat can get his name in a medical journal.
Cancer is a lonely ass curse. I don't care what anyone says, that time in the middle of the night when the meds are not doing a thing, and it you, pain and mortality, it's lonely as hell.
You don't want people to go through it with you but unfortunately you drag your husband/wife along for the ride because they love you and hurt too. So please think about the spouses as well and say a prayer for them. As silly as this sounds, I wish I could take my wife's pain away but I can't so try to help them too by being a friend.

Well said, Sir.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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Well said, Sir.

There are many ugly sides to Life that, as it turns out, are totally unnecessary. Most of these evil schemes are sanctioned/caused by huge CORPSE-erations who own/are the 'Governments'. They're the only ones who can 'afford' to fund stuff like invasions, lock-downs, mkt. manipulation, spreading diseases, outright wars, etc....
Our job here, as I see it, is not to 'pretty up' that ugliness, but to eliminate it entirely.
Just ask yourself, "Would Satan/Lucifer/Macron/Castro-Trudeau/Biden & Son approve of this ___________"?

Example: Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements | From the Trenches World Report

If the answer is ; 'Hell yes'!!! Then, I'd say it's time to come up with something a bit more conducive to Peace/Health/ & World Harmony.
I know this sounds like a 1971 Coke commercial-

But Coca-Cola, Corp. IS part of the problem. Especially now that Coke is "Woke" :-|
I'm talking actual solutions, which can simply start by NOT being part of the problem.
Just no to Mo

I'm sorry you are going through Cancer Hell... & I can Pray for you too. But learning how to cure/avoid/eliminate cancer (& other evils) would go still further towards maintaining a better World.
I've got a big spot of skin cancer on my head that I'm trying to 'calm down' myself. It really just needs to be cut off & thrown out...(like most of these 'politicians').
It's all about 'Cause & Effect'...We got this **** from somewhere, & we need to stop whatever caused it, & try to turn it around. I know this can be very difficult after a certain point- (which is why Big Pharma's 'Doctors' hurry to get us there). They are very 'practiced' at this.
Happily; we're seeing the whole ugly sewage 'System', itself, get flushed right now. So maybe some of the knowledge of those who were murdered for threatening Big Pharma's Cancer Cash Cow will soon make a resurgence. People are quite literally 'Sick & Tired' of these murderous Glow-Ball Control Freaks, & more of these 'Leaders' (to the slaughter house) are dropping out every day.

We should Live to see the beginnings of a Good World that actually makes sense- so please stick around & help create it. THAT's why we are here, now.
All the Best- /\/\
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