Can't stand them, can't shoot em...

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Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
Sorry to hear this man. But you are right, family can be a blessing or a living nightmare. Have both in ours, and went through a similar situation with an uncle and his lunatic wife. Unfortunately the banshee was successful in alienating the entire family and no one was allowed to see or speak with him for the last few years of his life, even told us there wouldn't be a funeral, and she would do as she pleased with his ashes. If you can get things to work with your dad do so, but only within reason.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Guess I've just been lucky.

My folks are long gone, but we got along great.

Have one sister in Arkansas...we love each other very much.

I've been married to one of the most wonderful God fearing woman (at least that is what other people tell me) for 46 years.

WE have 3 great kids (and their spouses) 5 good grand children, and one great grand daughter.

None of us know anything about drugs, jails, or any of that crap.

Prayer and discipline works wonders.

Ok, I'll shut up now....think I'll give my maker some extra thanks tonight!

Sorry to hear of so much dysfunction among families.
Our family has always been tight. My sister has been a best friend forever. As the senior cousin of 23 others in our town, I've always organized cousin party's and get togethers in the past before we all got families and it got hard to do then.
Going to their kids weddings now.
Introduced a lot of my cousins to firearms and hunting over the years.
My parents and the ex in laws of my first wife were best friends even after we got divorced, going on vacations every year with each other. They were friends until all of them finally passed away. Heck, my current wife and ex wife are on speaking terms.
My sons get along until sports comes up and then there may some cross words. LOL.
I can't imagine living any other way without everyone getting along, but I've seen the disfunction when it comes to a death in the family and who is going to inherit what and so on. The worst in people come out at that time if they have greed in their blood.


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Oct 27, 2012
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When I was growing up my mom had little to do with her family-primarily her sister. When my mom died I visited her sister and found that she was a nice person. That antisocial behavior rubbed on on me I guess because I'm sort of the same way. Not entirely but the wife and I fed and gifted family for two decades and they never come to help, stop by to see if we're doing ok, rotted or what so I'm at the point who needs them if all they want is what they can get. It's not good but better than listening to their disrespect toward their mother and snickering behind our backs. We've worked our tails off on holidays cooking turkey, mashed potatoes, hot rolls, vegetables, pies, tea etc and the wife told me two of the females were at the table talk in about us and they still ate the food and took the gifts. One didn't like me anyway because I wouldn't co-sign on a car for her-now I'm glad I didn't because I found out she went through a lot of people signing notes and she's in trouble with legal as well as the law. She and my son divorced so good!
Family is trouble sometimes, I've seen a guy die and his family came in and literally stripped the house.


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Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
I'm really sorry for all the grief, John. You're a good man, and I appreciate the help you've given me. You make me appreciate my own family all the more. Hang in there. We all appreciate you around here!


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Oct 27, 2012
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Thanks DRC458, It's hard on the wife since her kids think she must be dead. We talk about it every morning until we're blue in the face but it doesn't do any good. We're thinking about moving and getting away from the angst but housing starts have slowed down overall. Some things I can't figure out, why a person would portray themselves to be a Godly person and still ignore their mother. Maybe that's one reason God revers the family because when there is a divorce it affects so many.


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Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I have a decent sized family but I hardly talk to any of them. I am the black sheep of my family, and don't know why either. Something you all may not know about me: I don't know who my dad is, not even a name or anything, my mom passed away in 2004, my grandma proceeded her in feb of 2003, then my uncle alan died the day after my grandma's birthday on dec 2nd 2002, then my grandpa, who I loved dearly passed away in 2012. Then, my uncle richard passed away on Oct of 2016 from having a heart attack in his sleep at 54. So, basically its just me and my little sister, we are the only ones left. My sister married a guy from Peru that has "F*ck" tattooed on his hand, I found that out when I first met him and shook his hand. So yeah, my family has no contact with me unless I am up shooting on my land and then they complain. I guess I am the black sheep because I don't go to church every Sunday like they do.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
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Got a call from my father yesterday. I guess after I left his wife said that wasn't what she meant or wanted, etc. etc... I told him I know better since she started in two weeks after I was there. He then said there is something wrong with her head among other things and then proceeded to tell me about their plans. I could care less that they are going to go to Albuquerque to the balloon festival. He must be happy dealing with the BS, I didn't take it from my own mother and I am not going to from his wife.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Uncle and Aunt that were second parents to me died in 2018 within 3 months of each other. Mom and dad died within 4 months of each other also in 2018. I couldn't have been blessed more than having them for family. All four moved into town and were always together playing Pinochle. In laws and outlaws all got along great. Board games and football was the rule when we all got together. Our family was so big we had to rent out the town bank conference rooms during holidays. Almost every one of them were Republicans. Some married into Demonrat families but were soon assimilated. Resistance is futile.

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