Closing day ML

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Special Hen
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Yukon, OK
The last day of the 2013 muzzy season and light is falling fast.

Official sunset is 5:38 so I can shoot till 6:08 quick look at the phone and its 6:04. I take out the binos and do a quick scan of where I think the deer will be and have been coming from exactly 150 yards away. They have been coming out of a draw at sunset to the middle of a green wheat field and dining all night going back in between 7 and 8am.

Nothing and now it has started to sprinkle 6:05pm and I look to my left where the I put out deer corn and a camera and I see his rack only coming to the deer corn 49 yards away and the base of the power pole.

I pick up the gun and turn it 90 degrees to my left off the laid down mat. 6:06 PM tick tock tick tock, I look through the scope and can't see a thing I still had it on 10X for the 150 yard shot I was expecting. Check the binos again and he is all the way over the ridge he is there broadside standing still waiting for me to harvest him. I turn the power down to 2.5x and find him in the scope start taking up the slack and boom.

Flash back 5 years ago to wheat field right out side of Lindsay OK and I'm taking my then 7 yo son to the deer stand with me for the first time. It was closing day of muzzle loader season and I was on the edge of a wheat field waiting for the deer to come out and start eating. I can hear some deer in a thicket behind me about 30 yards. Finally about 2 min of legal light left and 2 does pop out I only have open sites on the rifle then so I line them up take a shot a huge blast of fire and smoke come rushing out of the barrel and my son starts jumping up and down "you got him, you got as the smoke clears I see the 2 does look up at me and casually walk back into the thicket?

Back to present day, I hear the round go over the top of the buck and whiz off into the. I did not have a good cheek to stock weld and I was to close to the scope. So I got scope eyed, and I pulled up to fast to see if I got the deer. I see that all to well know look as the deer peers at me and casually walks back into the evergreens, and the end of another Muzzle Loader season with a miss?

I am a very good marksman when it comes to punching holes in paper, but that is not the measure of success when it comes to hunting. I have very sound fundamentals that I learned in the Army and years of shooting but can not seem to translate those to the field. I have missed 5 deer in 5 seasons of ML. I can't control the rush of adrenaline I get when I'm about to drop the hammer on a deer. I over analyze everything prior to taking the shot and I outthink myself!

Now I think I have a solution to this problem If someone will kindly go disguise my deer as range targets and tell me I'm at Banner rd range everything will be fine. As I clean my muzzle loader and prepare to put it away for another year I'll try to swallow this bitter pill that is my hunting skills!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2008
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Love the pics and the story, except the ending. Keep at it, it will happen. The highs and lows of hunting is what keeps us all going. When it does come together it makes it all worth it.
For the record I hunted every day of the season and never fired a shot. Stay after them!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I never fired a shot during muzzleloader this year.
Banner will not hone your skills.
You need to shoot many different distances past 100 if that is how far you shoot.
Many bullets do not follow straight trajectory paths.. we may think they will.

Nice story ..
we still have a lot of bow season and plenty of gun season coming.


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Yukon, OK
Love the pics and the story, except the ending. Keep at it, it will happen. The highs and lows of hunting is what keeps us all going. When it does come together it makes it all worth it.
For the record I hunted every day of the season and never fired a shot. Stay after them!

I did not like the ending at all either but no fairytale here. I will def keep at it I need a way to learn how to shoot under high stress, or how to control the "Buck Fever"


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't hunt every day during ML, but I hunted many. Never fired a shot either. it just wasn't in the cards for most of us the ML season. Hang in there! practice practice practice!

Take the time to find the perfect load for your rifle. Not all rifles like all bullets and powder - we need every advantage we can get against those giant white-tail noses!

Best way to fight buck fever for me: deep breaths.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I need a way to learn how to shoot under high stress, or how to control the "Buck Fever"

Man when you go hunting or fishing far from home Indian style you can set rules.
One was no lights in coleman or flashlights..
No opening food containers no cooking food until you get a fish or some game.
Many may starve.. some will use the system...

When i weld broken stuff for my buddy he is always eager to get me.. usually with a firecracker while i am in the zone welding away. Removes flinch.

Give yourself less time to zero in on the target.

This worked well for us hunting with bows.. walking around zig zagging while your back is to your buddy, in the backyard then buddy yells now and you find target and draw and shoot ..
We gave a time allotment of 3 seconds to draw and fire and hit target.

I got a few squirrels in trees with my old recurve.
Does not help the buck fever though...that is on you...
More deer you kill the less you get the fever..
Or possibly i trust my shooting and my guns and know if i pull the trigger a meal will follow.
More practice..


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I glance at the rack once. After that, I focus on the body and it's language, finding my shooting lane and going through my shooting form ritual.

Also, on deer that I don't intend to shoot, I draw and go through all the motions including placing the pins on the vitals and following the deer at full draw. This has helped a lot


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Yukon, OK
I glance at the rack once. After that, I focus on the body and it's language, finding my shooting lane and going through my shooting form ritual.

Also, on deer that I don't intend to shoot, I draw and go through all the motions including placing the pins on the vitals and following the deer at full draw. This has helped a lot

I was thinking about that today after Swamps post to get a deer vitals target and do some dry firing from different locations and positions in the yard. Doing that on live deer would def help get some of that buck fever out.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
Funny my first deer with bow was many years ago for youth gun hunt.
I took my youngest son and he slept on a rock about 40 yards from me.
I was sitting on a tree limb just off an old grown over logging road.

I see this nice buck walking down the road, I have this tall bear compound bow with a plastic finger to hold the arrow.

No sights..I shot instinct then...Limbs in the way!!! i lean over almost upside down left foot acting like a prehensile tail, wrapped around the tree...Bow is now sideways full draw, deer walking closer,,,,,,i lean further down my head now below my butt...2 more feet and i got ya....I got him!! and away he goes right behind my sleeping son and 20 feet up from him..
He falls over...
I woke my son up and asked if he heard any thrashing...he stated just squirrels behind me...Yep!

Some shots you can't practice....
I have a Hoyt now with over draw and those 2 thin fingers will not hold an arrow when you shoot sideways.
You can ask this doe i shot at last year at Eufaula. :)

Practice practice...I can shoot 30+ yards in my back yard.. that helps a lot..

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