Current Federal Gun Laws vs Fast And Furious Failings

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Special Hen
Sep 1, 2010
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I would suggest that most of the average people do not have any idea what the federal gun laws are and in many cases when something happens that involves guns there is an immediate surge by the anti gun groups to jump up and say we need tougher gun laws.The current penalty for a straw purchase is up to 10 years and $250.000 fine!

If they would just read the current gun laws it is very clear that every concern is answered by a federal law, its just that the laws are not being enforced and in Fast And Furious the gun dealers were told to basically "break the law" by not doing what they would usually do and that is refuse to sell guns to suspect buyers.

Are there bad dealers out there,sure and the ATF should enforce the current laws and put them out of business and prosecute them.

The thing the anti gun people/groups refuse to understand are the FACTS! If they enforce the laws that we have it answers almost all of their concerns. The problem is that they are too worried about the bad guys civil rights to prosecute so its much easier to just make more laws that only affect law abiding citizens? What is wrong with this picture?

Any FFL that that has gone through an ATF audit knows that they make the IRS look like choir boys.I have been through 4 rodeos with the ATF and its not fun even when you are doing everything right.In the last recent one there were no violations which any FFL on this board that does a large volume of gun sales knows how near impossible that is.

The government and current administration is scrambling to cover up a high level screw up so we need to fight back and send letters to our senators and congressmen to stay after this and get the answers.I have received a response from one senator and one congressman so far from my email letters.

I would suggest everyone that loves their 2nd Amendment rights to do the same.
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Special Hen
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I've recently become convinced that the average Joe has absolutely no idea what the difference is between what is actually legal and what you can get away with because they don't enforce the law.

This all stemmed from a lengthy argument with some coworkers about whether or not it was legal to give a gun to a family member who lived in another state without going through an FFL. (It's not, but my current understanding is that the ATF is declining to enforce it.)


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Quite a lengthy posting. Put some space between your paragraphs and the readability will be improved quite a bit.

What I believe you are saying is:

The ATF demands a very high level of compliance from FFLs but turns around and is grossly incompetent in managing its own conduct, endangering our border patrol officers, Mexican citizens and others as a result.

The public and media have a totally inadequate understanding of gun laws allowing anti-gun advocates to run-amok making false charges about the inadequacy of gun laws.

We should demand a complete investigation and punishment of the irresponsible ATF behavior. The public should educate themselves about gun laws so they will not be misled by anti-gun zealots.

I agree.


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
I agree, we need to contact our senators and representatives about fast and furious. Why did the fast and furious happen in the first place? I can't see who it would benefit...

Thanks for posting good info like this. -Confused..

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