Dear Abby, should I tell on cheating neighbor because they allow hunting on their property

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Special Hen
Sep 8, 2009
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TLDR: Letter to Dear Abby asks should I tell slow neighbor man his wife is unfaithful? Might not tell but THEY ALLOW HUNTING ON THEIR PROPERTY and that gets my panties in a bunch.

I used to hear people talk about Ann Landers and Dear Abby letters and think surely nobody could be like that in real life. Must be fake.
Now older and yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of people like those letter writers wandering among us.

DEAR ABBY: For the last three years, my neighbor has been having an affair. Her husband, although a little slow, is fundamentally a nice guy, and I feel he should be told. I probably would do it, but the two of them own some land and they let people hunt for fun (not for meat) on their property, which makes me disrespect them both.
Should I act on my knowledge? Or should I let two people with no respect for the animal kingdom wallow in their own putrescence? — POTENTIAL WHISTLEBLOWER

DEAR WHISTLEBLOWER: You are comparing apples to oranges. If you feel you must tell the husband about his wife’s infidelity because it morally offends you, I suppose you are free to do that. But to ruin someone’s marriage because you don’t approve of the fact they allow hunting on their property seems very much over the top.

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