Neighbor Woes on a Private Road: Part 2

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Right. Am I misunderstanding how the road is washing due to the dude's driveway?
The drive is like a damn, water rises and runs around the next lowest point which is the front of the drive where it meets the road so its washing his drive as well as the edge of the road and maybe even flowing across the road washing it too.
Thats how it would normally happen. The pics show me this is the case.
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Are you serious?
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
The drive is like a damn, water rises and runs around the next lowers point which is the fron of the drive where it meets the road so its washing his drive as well as the edge of the road and maybe even flowing across the road washing it too.
Thats how it would normally happen. The pics show me this is the case.

Gotcha . . . I just figured digging out the ditch by where it washes and installing a tin horn there might help on some level.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
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se okc / tinker aea
Gotcha . . . I just figured digging out the ditch by where it washes and installing a tin horn there might help on some level.
at this point i would rather spend a couple grand on a lawyer than a tin horn. hes the type of guy that would destroy the pipe "because its on my property and i dont want it there" anyway.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
OKC has an online reporting tool for for code violations. It works. I used it to tone down a new billboard that was so damn bright it was blinding to oncoming cars during the early morning commute.

There is a whole section for Streets, Creeks, and Drainage. When you report through this tool, an inspector gets assigned.


Special Hen
May 2, 2009
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Part 1 can be found HERE.

Pictures of current damage at bottom of thread after extremely long winded, half intoxicated post.

Needing somewhere to vent my frustrations other than my wife so why not post up some drama for my old buddies on OSA. Please feel free to offer advice.

a summary of events up until now:
- I live on a private road in Oklahoma city meaning the people who live on this road are responsible for maintenance.
- Road was horrible for bad bad barely able to get to my house if it rained.
- Asked neighbor (who at the time used entire road to get to his house via my front yard) to help fix it...he agrees. Mind you he is in his mid/early 30's able bodied welder etc...
- I proceed to get a huge skip loader out here (basically a big tractor with a hydraulic box blade allowing it to add down pressure and angle the blade to cut ditches, crown roads etc...) cut trees out of the ditches and stack on my property, dig new ones out, recrown road, then I pay out of pocket $2,800 for new gravel on the road. I do 100% of the work, hiring help, paying for the tractor etc...
- Neighbor boy (whom will be referred to as weenie from here on out) doesnt get out and help us one lick...not even a bit over the 3 days of continuous labor followed by multiple partial days of various work to button things up.
- At this point i dont like weenie but i let it go, whatever.
- Several months go by without contact because he has avoided day i catch him after work and basically say "hey buddy...I was expecting you to approach me and offer to help on the road but since you asking for $700 which is 1/4 the cost of the gravel considering that 4 people live on the road i found that to be beyond fair. He says that its ridiculous i ask for that and money is tight but he will see what he can come up with, (the other neighbor paid $700 gladly and thanked me for the work).
- 2 weeks later he buys a new cummins 4 door 4x4 truck...even though $700 for a brand new road was out of the question and money was tight...
- several months go by with no word. the whole time he is driving across my property to access his, one day i stop him on the road and ask if hes seen my dogs who got out of the fence and he basically accuses me of killing his dogs and thats why he hasnt paid me the $700.
- at this point a say f*ck this guy im done with him and fence off my land including access to his property across mine...their are no easements provided so this was within legal right. and i did warn him several days prior. Now he has to start using his original driveway which is a sandy POS at the bottom of the hill that washes out badly every time it rains.
- instead of putting a culvert under his new driveway to allow for natural drainage of water he just fills in the ditches with dirt causing the bottom of the road to wash out which is what Part 1 was all about.
- I bought a dozer blade for my skid steer and just have to work the road after it sucks but whatever it hasnt been all that terrible i guess. I screwed him by fencing him off now he is screwing me by attempting to destroy the road...

Current events
- He hired a bull dozer to create a giant new driveway higher up the hill and filled in nearly the entire hill's ditches with dirt...again either he is THAT stupid to not know how water works OR he is intentionally trying to destroy the road. This entrance has to be over 100' wide it is ridiculous...i think the latter is correct considering i have explained to him several times the problem.
- 2 days ago my father in law comes over to drop my kids off...he is "extremely agitated" upon driving past this monstrosity of a road that he helped me fix...jumps his fence and commences to chewing this dude out so bad i cannot explain it via keyboard...while weenie sits on his 4-wheeler and takes it.
- I jump the fence in case FIL goes too far...luckily he doesnt and after he has made his point leaves.
- I stay there for 2 hours calmly talking to weenie and his wife about everything. He claims not to have money for drainage pipe...even though he went and got a brand new Harley a week money for a decent driveway but has a new motorcycle hmmmm...I offer to pay and install a tin horn myself just to be done with the rivalry because the alternative is not good for anybody...he claims that he isnt even sure which driveway he wants to use his new one or the bottom of the hill. I say just make a decision and let me know because this is going too far.
- next day he calls the cops and they come to my house issuing a warning.
- Today i decide that no matter what i do he will try to f*ck it up so ive been on the phone all day with various government agencies putting in complaints trying to find someone somewhere with the authority to say "even though this road is private it is illegal to destroy it as it has various public easements/right of ways etc..."

Pictures taken today



Better Call Saul.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
se okc / tinker aea
OKC has an online reporting tool for for code violations. It works. I used it to tone down a new billboard that was so damn bright it was blinding to oncoming cars during the early morning commute.

There is a whole section for Streets, Creeks, and Drainage. When you report through this tool, an inspector gets assigned.
I’m all over it man. Have multiple cases open against him with the action center and Have all the municipal codes printed and highlighted relevant areas for when the city employee shows up to inspect.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
se okc / tinker aea
I'd just have some of my friends go throw him a midnight sock party and call it a day.
Yea right you “bad *****” that think beating the f*ck out of a neighbor will end in anything but hardship for my family are delusional. He goes to hospital...I go to jail for aggravated assault and we lose all credibility in front of a judge when we wind up there over this road dispute.

I really honestly wish it was as easy as roughing up the gravel but it’s not. I 100% guarantee he had his wife video tape my FIL as she didn’t come outside until after he left and the cop said he “saw the video” disrespect to any officers on here but sometimes y’all will “bend” the truth to get admission to crime so just because they said it doesn’t make it fact. Still, I’m pretty convinced he is trying to get one of us to become violent so he will have it on camera for the above reason.

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