If so,,,
When the weather clears,,,
I would like to invite you as a guest to my rifle/pistol club.
Stillwater Rifle/Pistol Club.
I will happily provide you with 50 rounds of decent defensive (or FMJ) ammo,,,
If you would allow me to fire three mags of FMJ through your pistol.
I like everything I've seen or read about this pistol,,,
But I can't make myself order one from Buds sight-unseen.
I'm particularly interested in that grip safety,,,
Like how much pressure does it need to function properly.
If you're interested please contact me.
Thanks in advance,,,
When the weather clears,,,
I would like to invite you as a guest to my rifle/pistol club.
Stillwater Rifle/Pistol Club.
I will happily provide you with 50 rounds of decent defensive (or FMJ) ammo,,,
If you would allow me to fire three mags of FMJ through your pistol.
I like everything I've seen or read about this pistol,,,
But I can't make myself order one from Buds sight-unseen.
I'm particularly interested in that grip safety,,,
Like how much pressure does it need to function properly.
If you're interested please contact me.
Thanks in advance,,,