Don Carlton Honda "sick and tired" of "homeless" causing problems (Tulsa)

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Special Hen
Aug 6, 2010
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I don't think most people know that it's as bad as that picture. And assume it's just isolated to a very few places. I was at that fish market in Seattle a few years and it was pretty bad.
We had a repair shop just out of downtown Seattle and I saw the fish market area / downtown go from a few panhandlers in the park playing instruments for money to the trash & filth you referenced and a fear to even be downtown at any time of the day. We closed our shop area got so bad could not keep the empolyees safe.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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We had a repair shop just out of downtown Seattle and I saw the fish market area / downtown go from a few panhandlers in the park playing instruments for money to the trash & filth you referenced and a fear to even be downtown at any time of the day. We closed our shop area got so bad could not keep the empolyees safe.
I had a few friends that played instruments in the market. Ironically the buskers playing instruments had to get a busking licence, A business licence and only play in designated areas, otherwise they could be cited and banned from the market. Meanwhile the junkies can do as they please.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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You know it's a good question and I don't have a miracle solution. If so I'd probably not be doing my current job I suppose. And while I hit reply to you I suppose this responds to a few folks at once.

No one I know on any side of the table has ever talked warmly about homelessness. No side of the political aisle or economic scale. But like many issues in the country, once it becomes politicized then gfl solving it because it's another topic to squabble over while the rich rob us all dry.

Even if we were committed to solving it we'd have a major challenge because there are so many underlying reasons driving the issues and we'd have to commit lots of money to it. Committing money to treatment programs for drugs, housing assistance, job placement and training programs, reigning in healthcare costs. And to do that in an effective way we have to spend money to study what is really going to work and how to do it effectively.

Yeah I know by now I've already lost everyone, and sorry so sorry that I don't believe in putting people on a bus and making it someone else's problem. In my opinion that's just being a crappy human to knowingly punt the problem rather than taking the high ground of fixing it. This is quite literally the same as saying the elected leaders aren't doing it... They aren't, and they definitely seem to represent the public when they want to kick the problem down the road.

For my personal part I donate time and money to charities that are working toward solutions but I suppose I could do more. But until the people in the government get an absolute mandate from the people to fix the issues and make the world better then it'll get worse before better.

You should run for office, offer a non-solution while playing the moral card lol.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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I spoke with an OCPD Capt. last week at a meeting. He said places like San Fran, Portland and Sea-Tac are handing out bus tickets to Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, saying we are really generous and have lots of services for the homeless. He also said if you own a business and dont want them setting up a camp, you have to make them uncomfortable early. Dont let them hang out for a few hours to charge their phones, dont let them use the restrooms, dont let them spend the night, trespass them immediately and if they dont leave, call the cops. Word spreads quick in the homeless community of who is friendly to them and who isnt.
This. Treat them like wild animals. Because that is basically what they are.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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What really is quite horrible is the homeless have been politicized. It is a major issue and cities, states and the nation is suffering the worse for it.

The Right Claims the primary drivers are:
1) Mental Illness
2) Drugs
3) People that just fit in

The Left claims the primary drivers are:
1) Unemployment
2) Housing and Apartment Policies
3) Unaffordability of rent
4) Debt as mentioned above.

One thought, how much is illegal immigration driving this problem.

So, the left choses to put the homeless in hotels and are surprised when the place gets trashed. They want to put these people in the 'burbs in nice homes The left says let them stay and the taxpaying businesses, the main drivers of a cities economy suffer.

I would contend that the right is more than likely right about a majority of the causes. I am surprised that neither side has suggested housing them in abandoned properties like hotels, homes, apartments and working with them to help rehab those places. Give those homeless purpose and help to rehab blighted parts of the city. Give them a stake in their community and structure and perhaps improve blighted areas.

Perhaps I am just an idealistic dreamer.

What makes you think they want a stake in the community? They are freeloading leechers at best, petty criminals mostly and a few are dangerous and violent. They need to be purged from communities by all legal means.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
What makes you think they want a stake in the community? They are freeloading leechers at best, petty criminals mostly and a few are dangerous and violent. They need to be purged from communities by all legal means.
Like I said, I may be an idealistic dreamer. However many people tend to act more responsibly when given reason too. Yes, there are those that are drug addled criminals however I don't believe it is all of them. There are consequences as well. Don't work on improving this community? Those get kicked out. Want a shower and a clean place to live with heat? Gotta work on this or you don't get it. I think enough of these people are worth saving and those are the ones that will be chosen to live in the setting created. Just like firearms, muscle cars, investing your money a few idiots spoil it for everyone. All purging them from a community does is makes it someone else's problem. We ship 'em off to California they will be back eventually.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Maybe if it gets bad enough we can demand the federal gov step in and build and own basic apartments. Gov can then assign the people to a unit and give them a food and vodka allotment in exchange for working at their gov prescribed vocation. Should work.
You think the Federal gov't really wants to solve the problem? They really want to make it worse. Remember the "projects?" Here's your cheap apartment, live there, run it down and use it up. How it should be: Want to stay, you fix the damn thing, your not paying any rent. I'm not talking about building new apartments. Get old blighted properties (many are squatting now) Hand them a shovel and paint brush and say "fix it," you don't know how, we'll show you. This may be a great solution to halfway houses as well.
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