Drug testing for Welfare payments

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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
Meant to cover that in the long post but it got away from me.

I believe that the issue with workforce introduction is going to require some additional financial investment (unfortunately) from us taxpayers, as well as commitment from us as voters to elect people with the courage to take a stand, even when faced with the inevitable ugliness that will spew forth from the left. First, I would immediately mandate means testing be conducted for any new applicants. I would outsource this process to a private company to avoid bureaucratic nonsense or favoritism. Regarding unemployment, it is my understanding that those receiving unemployment have certain requirements to apply for x number of positions and report any subsequent interviews (if this isn't the case then it needs to be). I've also heard reports (from people in hiring positions that I personally know) that there has been an increasing number of people that do not show up for interviews or subsequently do not show up for drug testing. I've even heard of one instance where the applicant blatantly said they didn't want the job but was required to be actively seeking a job to continue receiving unemployment. They should make it mandatory (if it isn't) for those on unemployment to provide the company name and position applied for with each application they submit, as well as any interviews they received. I would mandate that all social / case workers responsible for the oversight of anyone on unemployment, upon receiving notification that an interview was scheduled / had taken place, be required to contact the employer to verify that the applicant did show up. If a case worker observes a person has had 10 interviews but has not been hired, then they need to follow up and verify with the employer that the applicant was serious about the position and / or was not practicing the aforementioned tactics simply to remain on unemployment. End the 99 week BS. Replace the 99 week unemployment system with the old 26 week system and implement it in such a way that benefits begin to gradually decline after the third month.

Regarding welfare, establish lifetime limits (2-3 years) that a person can cumulatively receive welfare. Remove the discretionary authority (i think it is up to each state individually, but the fda has authority to overrule) to define what goods and / or services can be purchased using EBT (or similar) cards. Specifically define the items via law that can be purchased (I'd love to write this one personally). No soda, no energy drinks, no fast foods, no candy, no luxury meat or seafood products. Hell it may just be easier to create several standard modular dietary packages and deliver them accordingly each month to those needed food assistance. Of course, you'd have to be able to be able to adjust for allergies and other dietary exceptions (religious, etc). Increase the number of fraud investigators. Set minimum sentencing guidelines for those caught committing fraud or otherwise abusing these programs. The bottom line I'm getting at is that you make it as uncomfortable as possible to be on the dole. People have no shame anymore because we've allowed our definition of poverty to slip to such ridiculous extremes that you can have smart phones, plasma tv's and eat lobster and still be considered in poverty. Bring back the shame. Ben Franklin said it well: 'I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.'

Of course, some of these ideas are harsh. Others are not even possible until we've addressed the issue I defined in the previous post. The best way to get people out of unemployment is for there to be jobs available that pay more than the combined value of whatever benefits a person is receiving. The only way that will be accomplished is through significant and sustained economic growth. With sustained growth you will see wages and opportunities increase, which will result in better standards of living for everyone. Many people now consider the American Dream to be a thing of the past. They truly do not believe that great success is possible (and it is certainly more difficult today than 50 years ago). This attitude and belief has to change before you will truly see the entitlement minded parasites want to improve their own lives. Economic growth is the only way out of this mess we are in that is least likely (hopefully) to result in the sort of social unrest we've recently seen in Europe.

. or just make them read this to qualify

Edgar Derby

Mar 25, 2011
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Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Well, if you are all for sterilizing people, why not just execute them and save Der Staat some real money?
First of all, I know sterilization is a ridiculous idea and out of the realm of possibility. So, when I speak of sterilization it is more on a hypothetical level of what I personally would like to see happen, not something I would be campaigning for in reality. I would not force sterilize anyone. I would provide you with a warning when you apply for benefits for yourself and your first child, that if you become pregnant (or do the impregnating) with a second child while you are still on government benefits, you would be given the option of sterilization or the end of government benefits. I would like to see something done to break the cycle and end to madness of single mothers with 6 kids and no way to provide for them.

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