Excess inventory of used firearms?

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Sgt Dog

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Out of pocket expense, and yes their time is worthless unless they are bringing money in. Big retailers spend a fortune just trying to get people in the door, ever see an add for something too cheap? That's a loss leader, they paid more for something than you will pay for it to get you in the store and buy other things. That is the mentality you need. A lot of these guys must think you're going to drive by and throw money out the window at them.
You have not been back!

That says it all. Excellent points, all made in your first post. Business sense alludes to many!
Sep 18, 2005
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This was posted on the Taurusarmed forum today:

“drove to one of Oklahoma City's largest gun stores today for the express purpose of selling a couple of firearms. (Details about the types and why I chose to sell them at a gun store instead of private sales are not pertinent to the thread.) The store's assistant manager and one of his sales reps, both of whom helped me, said that they were swamped with used firearms. They added that their biggest competitor was facing the same problem.

People are selling quality (in other words, not cheap or junk) used guns - AR-15s, AR-10s, hunting and shooting rifles, shotguns, revolvers, semi auto pistols - like they've never seen before. For all of the used guns that were on display, they had far more in storage, waiting for shelf space before being displayed.

I replied that in the world and circumstances in which we live, this was surprising. They agreed. They surmised that inflation is hitting folks harder than what is being reported. Valuables of all kinds are being sold to put food on the table, pay the bills, and keep a roof over people's heads. I reckon that if there's a silver lining to this cloud, it's that there may be some nice gun bargains out there.

The prices they quoted for my guns were so low, I politely declined and took them back home with me, with their complete understanding.

Has anyone else seen anything similar in your area?

See less”
happens every year at Christmas time people needing money for gifts
Aug 21, 2024
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Gun store owners and pawn shop owners are almost all poor business people, they don't get the concept of turning the inventory. Just basic retail stuff. A new gunshop opened close to me a while back, I seldom go into a gunshop anymore, but I went in, there were no deals and very little inventory, so I asked the guy how much for a transfer, 25 bucks. I said have you thought about 10 bucks, oh I can't afford that, I said it costs you nothing, well my wife does the transfers and I have to pay her. I look over there and she is sitting on her ass looking at her phone. I say most big retailers spend a lot of money just to get people to walk in the door, at 10 bucks they would search you out, maybe buy some things while your wife is resting, no I didn't say that. But the point is create some excitement, when you drive by you should think hey lets stop and see what he's got. It would be smart to advertise free transfers for the first 90 days, make people want to come in that door. But what do I know, except I know I've never been back, why would I?
Unfortunately, as for the $10 transfers, I know 3 places in central OK doing/did them for that, but 2 of them quit doing transfers because of hassles incurred due to online sellers not verifying age of the buyer, or buyer lying about their age, the “gun” sells & ships to the FFL, the FFL accepts it in, contacts or attempts to contact the buyer, the buyer doesn’t show up or they do and turns out they’re underage or are denied for some other reason. Now the shop is stuck having wasted time on this for $0, and have to contact the seller about returning the “gun”, instead of focusing on their main passion…candycrush, youtube, okshooters, jacking up prices on auctions, shooting, or actual money making activities, such as gunsmithing, cerakoting, gun sales, or other business ventures, to cover overhead…like limited edition upgrades to their pokedeck.
But yes, I search out $10 transfer fees. Some guys charge way too much, but am sure it’s to keep the riffraff away.
I purchased a shotgun online recently from east coast and when I told him the transfer fee I was paying, he said it was a great deal because he charges $50!


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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IF I still had my shop, an arm that has been paid for and shipped to me for transfer is signed into inventory.

Buy er FAILS to pick up and pay fees is SOL. Seller has been paid. Arm is recorded in my inventory. Deal is done.

Seller makes contact for return is responsible for shipping, handling AND TRANSFER to their possession, plus shipped to their local FFL.

I believe transfer fees should be $25 or less. Shop time is required and should be charged. More involved than just the customer picking up.

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