Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
In some ways I'm way better off than I was in 1992. I bought a house in 92 and my VA interest rate was nearly 9%. My current mortgage is 2.1%. My time is mine now...not controlled by anyone. If I want to do something, I do it. Politically...I don't think it was drastically different. Clinton was elected and I thought that was the end of the world. We didn't have a lot of the hateful rhetoric we have now and we weren't quite so divided as a country...but I don't think politics has changed all that much.

In what way has my brand of politics improved anything? Gun rights for one. Still not good enough but better than it was overall. CCW was barely a thing back then...it's the rule rather than the exception now. Roe v Wade is no longer. The ATF is getting b***h-slapped over and over by the SCOTUS now. That wasn't happening in 1992.

If you're looking for a boogeyman, dude, you're looking in all the wrong places. Those are direct examples of your "idealism" being wrong.

In terms of freedoms, sure...there are things I don't like. But generally I can do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it, and where I want to do it. I can go anywhere and not get stopped for my "papers". I can buy pretty much anything my means will allow. I can say pretty much anything I care to say, any time, any place.

Maybe I just don't let these things get into my head like you do. You have the luxury of judging people for what happened 30-50 years ago without having to put your current decisions and actions under the same microscope.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I was a cop from 1989 to 2003...almost 15 years. I left because I didn't like what the job was turning into. I can feel your pain on that.

Change? That sounds exactly what I, and millions like me, tried to do. But somehow it was wrong when we did it?

For the sake of your children I hope it doesn't come.

Compromise is a part of almost everything a man does. Not everything is gonna go your way so you figure a work-around. You make compromises, big and small, nearly every single day. And if you're a history buff, you should know you don't live under a truly oppressive government. Of course, to realize that it would force you to abandon your emotion and look at things objectively. I have hills I'm willing to die on, believe me. A government coming for my family would be one. But we're not there as a society...not even close. That may be a motivator for you...but it isn't reality.

You've said you vote. I'm assuming you vote for the candidate that best mirrors the way you see things. I think most people do that. There's no perfect candidate...yet you vote anyway. That's what I did. But again, it's OK when you do it, but I was wrong for doing it that way.

And again... That's what I've done. I've worked hard, raised my kids, did what I thought was right and I'm enjoying the twilight of my life. And, yes...we pray for the best but prepare to the best of our ability for the worst. That's why we live the life we do, where we do.

LOL... Damn! Who knew that's all it would take is just to declare victory over communism. I'm guessing Russia (a country that really didn't completely give up on communism) and her nukes had a say, and still do. Oh...and so do the Chinese...to an even greater extent. Someone needs to declare victory so we can end the Chinese threat now! One of the last things we need is a less capable military. Because as is the case with everything, the other side gets a vote in how things play out just like we do.

I'm all for not getting involved in every conflict that comes along and I think we've seen enough war for a long while. But one of the best ways to insure hostile governments keep their distance is by having a military with capabilities the other side can't begin to match.

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