Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Using your analogy, who would your generation put in the white house that is pure and clean of any and all opinions that differ from yours?
I've always been interested in the solutions your generation can offer.
Let's hear about your candidate.
Edit: I see this question has already been asked and not answered.

The solutions and candidates from the youngsters seem to be like sasquatch. The youngers swear they're out there, but all we ever hear or see of them are some blurry, grainy pictures and an occasional inconclusive, crappy video. Other than that...just a lot of talk and speculation.

Meanwhile, the younger types are electing people like AOC and her "squad" because the politicians us old people elected were "bad". Yeah...I can see where it's our fault.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Having spent a little time in a couple countries that were going through what y'all are talking about about, it is nothing like what you think it will be. No power, no food, no water. Roving gangs scavenging from anyone they think they can take on. People killed just because once the wall of civility comes down no one is keeping the real sociopaths in check from either side. It's watching a woman get shot by a sniper and then watching her little boy get shot as he is tugging and crying at his dead moms body just because she happened to be wandering down the wrong street that day.
How did we get here? How did it become old folks fault? Well all the old guys who were worth anything were off building stuff, making rockets, landing on the moon, serving their country. Mean while there became a movement that somehow made the real crapbags feel morally superior to the folks that were worth a f**k. Draft dodgers became morally superior to the folks that served. Anyone who disagreed with them were "a basket of deplorables". While the worthwhile folks were off making a living these "morally superior" crap bags took the easy road. They went into journalism, not engineering, they became lawyers, not doctors, they became psychologist instead of fighter pilots. Then when the folks that were worth anything we're working they went into politics, and became teachers in our universities, where student in engineering, math, science, chemistry became nerds and idiot......because somehow the folks that couldn't or wouldn't were morally superior. Yeah, old guys dropped the ball, but hey, the young guys bitching about all this are spending mega bucks at colleges and universities which SUPPORT the very thing they say they detest, which just builds more crap bags.
As the Chinese curse goes....May you live in interesting times!
Well said
A lot of what you mentioned is talked about, I would say that is even discussed to a messy or graphic degree. Would you say that taking on the STEM jobs/ careers was a good move? Like you said it allowed the “morale superior” folks to take over.
I understand there is no such thing as work life balance.(I haven’t figured it out yet) Do you have an idea so this is not repeated? It a genuine question I think that we all and us young ppl could learn from.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I read a ton of this stupid thread and was like, Surely someone can't be this dumb...then this post ^.....

Where is a moderator with the ban hammer when you need one? At least it's easy to see who to block when you let them run their mouths like this. FFS kys already.
I see it worked on you as well! In a world full of PC and censorship please don’t cancel me for this exposing you for your commie democrat thoughts. Umm what does FFS mean?

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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The solutions and candidates from the youngsters seem to be like sasquatch. The youngers swear they're out there, but all we ever hear or see of them are some blurry, grainy pictures and an occasional inconclusive, crappy video. Other than that...just a lot of talk and speculation.

Meanwhile, the younger types are electing people like AOC and her "squad" because the politicians us old people elected were "bad". Yeah...I can see where it's our fault.
Hey don’t mess with the squatch!
once you see the squatch you will also notice the government has the ability to balance a budget (well under Dave Ramsey) and the ability to put the citizens at heart and best interest while stopping all tyranny

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Hey don’t mess with the squatch!
once you see the squatch you will also notice the government has the ability to balance a budget (well under Dave Ramsey) and the ability to put the citizens at heart and best interest while stopping all tyranny

I thought LSD was out of style...

Will someone that speaks boomer please translate

BTDT = Been There Done That

Pretty sure that was a Gen X/Millennial thing.

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I see it worked on you as well! In a world full of PC and censorship please don’t cancel me for this exposing you for your commie democrat thoughts. Umm what does FFS mean?

FFS = For Fox Sake (Use your imagination for a word that sounds like fox)


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2021
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You know...knock yourself out. Show us all how it's done and change things. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say change ain't gonna happen thru b***hing about old people on a gun forum.

I will say, be careful what you wish for. If it comes to violence, you better pray to your God that your side wins...and there's zero guarantee that will be the case. Because my guess is, should you and your family survive, you're gonna realize the old life wasn't so bad.
It’s amazing how quickly the conversation goes from, “the democrats are communists” to “it’s not so bad.” From “if they take our guns, they’re coming for us next.” You either believe what you’re saying or it’s just rhetoric.

My life isn’t bad, but I’ve seen what the government can do to good people. I was a cop during COVID. I know exactly how tyrannical it can get and how quickly. I know how quickly men will bow, so my only prayer is that I have the strength to stand and fight rather than bend my knee. I saw my “brothers” pull people over for being out past curfew. They were willing to physically assault civilians to enforce unconstitutional government regulations.

I am living the change. My wife and I are raising our two children right, out in the country, showing them the meaning of hard work. We live simply and my wife and I prepare our children for the hard times to come while still enjoying the blessings God has given us. We all train together and I’ve built a community of people willing to come to each other’s aid.

You might have children, but you probably don’t have the responsibility of raising little ones today. I’m not thinking for myself. I hope the fight happens in my day so my son can live free if I’m successful.

I don’t want to live like the communists under Mao. Watching my family starve to death while they take my wife and children. But again, that has been the response from your generation time and again. “We have to fight like hell……well our life isn’t so bad, we can compromise.”

Using your analogy, who would your generation put in the white house that is pure and clean of any and all opinions that differ from yours?
I've always been interested in the solutions your generation can offer.
Let's hear about your candidate.
Edit: I see this question has already been asked and not answered.
I stated my opinion. I don’t think there is a “voting option” for my generation. There’s too many people scared of freedom. They just want “the other side” controlled. I want my freedom, but their freedom is scary. Freedom means you have the personal responsibility for your family’s protection. That’s scary for some.

When I have this conversation, I’m always asked for an “electable” savior. He doesn’t exist. My type of politician would bring an end to the federal government as we know it today. I have yet to meet a rich/powerful man who wanted less power.

I don’t know when. I don’t want it, but I’ve read enough history to know that this ends in violence. The only thing I can do is enjoy my life I have now and prepare.

We had an opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union. We could have declared victory over communism, massively scaled back our military and federal government and given powers back to the states the federal government had stolen to “keep us safe.” We did not do that.

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