Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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Nov 18, 2022
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I read a ton of this stupid thread and was like, Surely someone can't be this dumb...then this post ^.....

Where is a moderator with the ban hammer when you need one? At least it's easy to see who to block when you let them run their mouths like this. FFS kys already.
He and his nonsense were put on ignore because it was plain he just wants to part of the problem and not the solution .


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Nov 18, 2022
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It’s amazing how quickly the conversation goes from, “the democrats are communists” to “it’s not so bad.” From “if they take our guns, they’re coming for us next.” You either believe what you’re saying or it’s just rhetoric.

My life isn’t bad, but I’ve seen what the government can do to good people. I was a cop during COVID. I know exactly how tyrannical it can get and how quickly. I know how quickly men will bow, so my only prayer is that I have the strength to stand and fight rather than bend my knee. I saw my “brothers” pull people over for being out past curfew. They were willing to physically assault civilians to enforce unconstitutional government regulations.

I am living the change. My wife and I are raising our two children right, out in the country, showing them the meaning of hard work. We live simply and my wife and I prepare our children for the hard times to come while still enjoying the blessings God has given us. We all train together and I’ve built a community of people willing to come to each other’s aid.

You might have children, but you probably don’t have the responsibility of raising little ones today. I’m not thinking for myself. I hope the fight happens in my day so my son can live free if I’m successful.

I don’t want to live like the communists under Mao. Watching my family starve to death while they take my wife and children. But again, that has been the response from your generation time and again. “We have to fight like hell……well our life isn’t so bad, we can compromise.”

I stated my opinion. I don’t think there is a “voting option” for my generation. There’s too many people scared of freedom. They just want “the other side” controlled. I want my freedom, but their freedom is scary. Freedom means you have the personal responsibility for your family’s protection. That’s scary for some.

When I have this conversation, I’m always asked for an “electable” savior. He doesn’t exist. My type of politician would bring an end to the federal government as we know it today. I have yet to meet a rich/powerful man who wanted less power.

I don’t know when. I don’t want it, but I’ve read enough history to know that this ends in violence. The only thing I can do is enjoy my life I have now and prepare.

We had an opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union. We could have declared victory over communism, massively scaled back our military and federal government and given powers back to the states the federal government had stolen to “keep us safe.” We did not do that.
You're wrong, and were wrong when you started talking and you wouldn't listen to any form of reason . Idealism is great in theory but ideologues never accomplish the things they set out to. At some point you'll figure out there are millions of other folks who may have some shared views with you but not all of them and you're not gonna get what you envision as the ideal perfect outcome . Come back when you're 50 and we might be able to talk like like reasonable people . The all or nothing and its your fault nonsense isn't going to get you anywhere though politically.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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It’s amazing how quickly the conversation goes from, “the democrats are communists” to “it’s not so bad.” From “if they take our guns, they’re coming for us next.” You either believe what you’re saying or it’s just rhetoric.

My life isn’t bad, but I’ve seen what the government can do to good people. I was a cop during COVID. I know exactly how tyrannical it can get and how quickly. I know how quickly men will bow, so my only prayer is that I have the strength to stand and fight rather than bend my knee. I saw my “brothers” pull people over for being out past curfew. They were willing to physically assault civilians to enforce unconstitutional government regulations.

I am living the change. My wife and I are raising our two children right, out in the country, showing them the meaning of hard work. We live simply and my wife and I prepare our children for the hard times to come while still enjoying the blessings God has given us. We all train together and I’ve built a community of people willing to come to each other’s aid.

You might have children, but you probably don’t have the responsibility of raising little ones today. I’m not thinking for myself. I hope the fight happens in my day so my son can live free if I’m successful.

I don’t want to live like the communists under Mao. Watching my family starve to death while they take my wife and children. But again, that has been the response from your generation time and again. “We have to fight like hell……well our life isn’t so bad, we can compromise.”

I stated my opinion. I don’t think there is a “voting option” for my generation. There’s too many people scared of freedom. They just want “the other side” controlled. I want my freedom, but their freedom is scary. Freedom means you have the personal responsibility for your family’s protection. That’s scary for some.

When I have this conversation, I’m always asked for an “electable” savior. He doesn’t exist. My type of politician would bring an end to the federal government as we know it today. I have yet to meet a rich/powerful man who wanted less power.

I don’t know when. I don’t want it, but I’ve read enough history to know that this ends in violence. The only thing I can do is enjoy my life I have now and prepare.

We had an opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union. We could have declared victory over communism, massively scaled back our military and federal government and given powers back to the states the federal government had stolen to “keep us safe.” We did not do that.


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2021
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You're wrong, and were wrong when you started talking and you wouldn't listen to any form of reason . Idealism is great in theory but ideologues never accomplish the things they set out to. At some point you'll figure out there are millions of other folks who may have some shared views with you but not all of them and you're not gonna get what you envision as the ideal perfect outcome . Come back when you're 50 and we might be able to talk like like reasonable people . The all or nothing and its your fault nonsense isn't going to get you anywhere though politically.
I may be wrong, but I have provided direct evidence that your politics are absolutely wrong. As I’ve said, we’ve tried it your way since 1992.

The proof is in the pudding. Is your opinion that now is better than 1992? We are better off socially, economically, or politically? In what ways has your brand of politics been successful at bringing about the conservative agenda of reducing the size of the federal government and more freedom?

When I turn 50 are you then going to set the new age for reasoned discussion at 65? I’m not saying “it’s your fault” to you personally. I’m stating that as a generation, you took a general stance politically that proved to be misguided.

Historically, I provided direct examples of this. I think I’ve been very reasonable in my discussion. I’m sorry if it has offended you, but unless you want to provide an alternative historical analysis of your generations political motivations and success, I don’t know why you say my age has anything to do with our discussion.

Idealism is not wrong when they’re the correct ideals. Future generations are the judge of whether or not we chose correctly and brought about what we set out to do. I am the future generation, looking back historically, your generation did not accomplish what you are saying its mandate was.

I understand it sucks to hear your generation failed to do it, but it was not your fault personally. Your generation is something like 100 million people. As long as you look back on your life and say you did everything you could to do the right thing, I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of.

Other the other hand, I think it would be foolish from my perspective to just keep trying what your generation did and hope for a different result.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
It’s amazing how quickly the conversation goes from, “the democrats are communists” to “it’s not so bad.” From “if they take our guns, they’re coming for us next.” You either believe what you’re saying or it’s just rhetoric.

My life isn’t bad, but I’ve seen what the government can do to good people. I was a cop during COVID. I know exactly how tyrannical it can get and how quickly. I know how quickly men will bow, so my only prayer is that I have the strength to stand and fight rather than bend my knee. I saw my “brothers” pull people over for being out past curfew. They were willing to physically assault civilians to enforce unconstitutional government regulations.

I was a cop from 1989 to 2003...almost 15 years. I left because I didn't like what the job was turning into. I can feel your pain on that.

I am living the change. My wife and I are raising our two children right, out in the country, showing them the meaning of hard work. We live simply and my wife and I prepare our children for the hard times to come while still enjoying the blessings God has given us. We all train together and I’ve built a community of people willing to come to each other’s aid.

Change? That sounds exactly what I, and millions like me, tried to do. But somehow it was wrong when we did it?

You might have children, but you probably don’t have the responsibility of raising little ones today. I’m not thinking for myself. I hope the fight happens in my day so my son can live free if I’m successful.

For the sake of your children I hope it doesn't come.

I don’t want to live like the communists under Mao. Watching my family starve to death while they take my wife and children. But again, that has been the response from your generation time and again. “We have to fight like hell……well our life isn’t so bad, we can compromise.”

Compromise is a part of almost everything a man does. Not everything is gonna go your way so you figure a work-around. You make compromises, big and small, nearly every single day. And if you're a history buff, you should know you don't live under a truly oppressive government. Of course, to realize that it would force you to abandon your emotion and look at things objectively. I have hills I'm willing to die on, believe me. A government coming for my family would be one. But we're not there as a society...not even close. That may be a motivator for you...but it isn't reality.

I stated my opinion. I don’t think there is a “voting option” for my generation. There’s too many people scared of freedom. They just want “the other side” controlled. I want my freedom, but their freedom is scary. Freedom means you have the personal responsibility for your family’s protection. That’s scary for some.

When I have this conversation, I’m always asked for an “electable” savior. He doesn’t exist. My type of politician would bring an end to the federal government as we know it today. I have yet to meet a rich/powerful man who wanted less power.

You've said you vote. I'm assuming you vote for the candidate that best mirrors the way you see things. I think most people do that. There's no perfect candidate...yet you vote anyway. That's what I did. But again, it's OK when you do it, but I was wrong for doing it that way.

I don’t know when. I don’t want it, but I’ve read enough history to know that this ends in violence. The only thing I can do is enjoy my life I have now and prepare.

And again... That's what I've done. I've worked hard, raised my kids, did what I thought was right and I'm enjoying the twilight of my life. And, yes...we pray for the best but prepare to the best of our ability for the worst. That's why we live the life we do, where we do.

We had an opportunity with the fall of the Soviet Union. We could have declared victory over communism, massively scaled back our military and federal government and given powers back to the states the federal government had stolen to “keep us safe.” We did not do that.

LOL... Damn! Who knew that's all it would take is just to declare victory over communism. I'm guessing Russia (a country that really didn't completely give up on communism) and her nukes had a say, and still do. Oh...and so do the Chinese...to an even greater extent. Someone needs to declare victory so we can end the Chinese threat now! One of the last things we need is a less capable military. Because as is the case with everything, the other side gets a vote in how things play out just like we do.

I'm all for not getting involved in every conflict that comes along and I think we've seen enough war for a long while. But one of the best ways to insure hostile governments keep their distance is by having a military with capabilities the other side can't begin to match.

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