Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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Special Hen
Dec 11, 2021
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You kinda come across like you're throwing a hissy fit...and like you should be sitting in your rocker on the front porch yelling "Get off my lawn!" to neighborhood kids. You sure you're not a bitter old boomer? Who are you going to start blaming when these future elections don't go your way and the majority of generation not-boomers elect people you don't like? That's just how the world works, dude. You're not the only one with a voice or with opinions of how things should be.
Of course I’m angry at the current state of our nation. I have two young children. It makes me more disappointed than anything when I talk to other conservatives.

My historical points were made because we’ve tried it your way for an entire generation. Boomers have tried the whole, vote party tickets and maybe we can get something done. We’ve been trying boomer politics since before Clinton. It hasn’t worked. That’s my point. Not whining or crying. The proof is in the pudding. If your way worked we would be better off now.

You should have never abandoned your hope in 1992 for change. My historical point about your generation is too many did what you did. They abandoned real freedom and real change for “electable” and “good enough.”

It’s not whining or a hissy fit to point out historical facts. lol. I’m watching my young son from my front porch and I enjoy my life. The simple fact remains that the boomer generation have over seen our march toward communism and have acted like they were the standard bearers of freedom. Simply dismissing resolve or principles as naive or young is unintelligent.

The historical fact remains, your generations pragmatic political outlook has eroded our nations fabric. “At least he did something” is the rallying call of those that have lost the resolve to fight for what they believe in.

I don’t know you personally, but from your posts you seem like a fine person. Your political beliefs on the other hand reveal what’s wrong with our nation. Good people settling for “good enough” never ends with anything more than a s*** sandwich.

I don’t believe there is a fix outside of violence. We’ve gone too far down the compromise/appeasement road. Crappy part is most old people won’t live to reap what they sowed.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Of course I’m angry at the current state of our nation. I have two young children. It makes me more disappointed than anything when I talk to other conservatives.

My historical points were made because we’ve tried it your way for an entire generation. Boomers have tried the whole, vote party tickets and maybe we can get something done. We’ve been trying boomer politics since before Clinton. It hasn’t worked. That’s my point. Not whining or crying. The proof is in the pudding. If your way worked we would be better off now.

You should have never abandoned your hope in 1992 for change. My historical point about your generation is too many did what you did. They abandoned real freedom and real change for “electable” and “good enough.”

It’s not whining or a hissy fit to point out historical facts. lol. I’m watching my young son from my front porch and I enjoy my life. The simple fact remains that the boomer generation have over seen our march toward communism and have acted like they were the standard bearers of freedom. Simply dismissing resolve or principles as naive or young is unintelligent.

The historical fact remains, your generations pragmatic political outlook has eroded our nations fabric. “At least he did something” is the rallying call of those that have lost the resolve to fight for what they believe in.

I don’t know you personally, but from your posts you seem like a fine person. Your political beliefs on the other hand reveal what’s wrong with our nation. Good people settling for “good enough” never ends with anything more than a s*** sandwich.

I don’t believe there is a fix outside of violence. We’ve gone too far down the compromise/appeasement road. Crappy part is most old people won’t live to reap what they sowed.

You know...knock yourself out. Show us all how it's done and change things. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say change ain't gonna happen thru b***hing about old people on a gun forum.

I will say, be careful what you wish for. If it comes to violence, you better pray to your God that your side wins...and there's zero guarantee that will be the case. Because my guess is, should you and your family survive, you're gonna realize the old life wasn't so bad.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I work with many older gentlemen and this is usually their response.

It’s like people who say they’re a capitalist but don’t like when the price of gas goes up with demand or the price of an airline ticket goes up during holiday weekends.

We all seek out groups but rarely want to accept responsibility for any actions taken as a group. All “old people” I know of identify as a conservative old guy you described. The reality is your generation elected horrible leaders time and again. If you voted for Bush you are somewhat responsible for the forever war known as the GWOT. If you are a Trump supporter, you share the shame of the COVID stimulus and PPP loans. If you wear a Trump hat you own the douchebaggery of the bump stock ban.

Clinton and Obama were elected by vast majority of boomer voters.

I still hear old FUDDs acting like the NFA should be abided by. In this thread we have older men defending the machine gun ban.

My life is great, but I’d love a machine gun. I have specific people to blame for me not being able to own one.

You can look back through the umpteen bump stock ban threads to read how many people defended Trump by saying “he had to do something.” That’s just how politics work.

You asked for specific examples for why old people are to blame. I gave you specific examples. The worst is when older people act like I’m throwing a hissy fit for pointing out their generations lack of acceptable leadership. It’s not wrong or emotionally immature to point out historical facts and generational voting trends.
Using your analogy, who would your generation put in the white house that is pure and clean of any and all opinions that differ from yours?
I've always been interested in the solutions your generation can offer.
Let's hear about your candidate.
Edit: I see this question has already been asked and not answered.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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Of course I’m angry at the current state of our nation. I have two young children. It makes me more disappointed than anything when I talk to other conservatives.

My historical points were made because we’ve tried it your way for an entire generation. Boomers have tried the whole, vote party tickets and maybe we can get something done. We’ve been trying boomer politics since before Clinton. It hasn’t worked. That’s my point. Not whining or crying. The proof is in the pudding. If your way worked we would be better off now.

You should have never abandoned your hope in 1992 for change. My historical point about your generation is too many did what you did. They abandoned real freedom and real change for “electable” and “good enough.”

It’s not whining or a hissy fit to point out historical facts. lol. I’m watching my young son from my front porch and I enjoy my life. The simple fact remains that the boomer generation have over seen our march toward communism and have acted like they were the standard bearers of freedom. Simply dismissing resolve or principles as naive or young is unintelligent.

The historical fact remains, your generations pragmatic political outlook has eroded our nations fabric. “At least he did something” is the rallying call of those that have lost the resolve to fight for what they believe in.

I don’t know you personally, but from your posts you seem like a fine person. Your political beliefs on the other hand reveal what’s wrong with our nation. Good people settling for “good enough” never ends with anything more than a s*** sandwich.

I don’t believe there is a fix outside of violence. We’ve gone too far down the compromise/appeasement road. Crappy part is most old people won’t live to reap what they sowed.
Corgi is a good one. He now identifies as gen X

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I don’t have the answers, and I won’t assign blame, but I hope with everything inside of me it doesn’t come down to violence. That’s a war our kids or grandkids would have to fight and I want that for no one.
Well it’s all my generation is talking and hoping for. We/they are very tired of the corrupt government. There is so much music that has been put out in the last 4 years talking about it. I mean there is a few movies that’s been produced. So much talk that even potus is saying you got to has nukes and f19s. I mentioned this months ago the only ppl youngsters have to look up to is the idiots on social media or Hollywood unless they intentionally search out decent ppl. A lot of the older generations just talk trash about us younger generations and have stepped to the side.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 29, 2009
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Having spent a little time in a couple countries that were going through what y'all are talking about about, it is nothing like what you think it will be. No power, no food, no water. Roving gangs scavenging from anyone they think they can take on. People killed just because once the wall of civility comes down no one is keeping the real sociopaths in check from either side. It's watching a woman get shot by a sniper and then watching her little boy get shot as he is tugging and crying at his dead moms body just because she happened to be wandering down the wrong street that day.
How did we get here? How did it become old folks fault? Well all the old guys who were worth anything were off building stuff, making rockets, landing on the moon, serving their country. Mean while there became a movement that somehow made the real crapbags feel morally superior to the folks that were worth a f**k. Draft dodgers became morally superior to the folks that served. Anyone who disagreed with them were "a basket of deplorables". While the worthwhile folks were off making a living these "morally superior" crap bags took the easy road. They went into journalism, not engineering, they became lawyers, not doctors, they became psychologist instead of fighter pilots. Then when the folks that were worth anything we're working they went into politics, and became teachers in our universities, where student in engineering, math, science, chemistry became nerds and idiot......because somehow the folks that couldn't or wouldn't were morally superior. Yeah, old guys dropped the ball, but hey, the young guys bitching about all this are spending mega bucks at colleges and universities which SUPPORT the very thing they say they detest, which just builds more crap bags.
As the Chinese curse goes....May you live in interesting times!
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Special Hen
Apr 27, 2024
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Haskell Ok
On purpose, some ppl just love to be trolled and cannot control themselves even after I admit to trolling
I read a ton of this stupid thread and was like, Surely someone can't be this dumb...then this post ^.....

Where is a moderator with the ban hammer when you need one? At least it's easy to see who to block when you let them run their mouths like this. FFS kys already.

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