Federal Judge in Kansas Rules Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional

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Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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For starters I’m a grown man. You are the one that needs to grow up. I’m not the one on here attacking others and calling them names because I don’t like or agree with the things they say. Absolutism IS the option but we have too many folks like you in our country. We need to be unified, not divided. Yet even within the 2A community we can’t unite.

Meanwhile I’ll continue to watch as the ATF does what it does. They will continue to falsely accuse and murder innocent people and nothing will happen to them.


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2021
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Obviously, you and I are not gonna agree on this. I think your explanation is far too simplistic and blaming one generation is taking the easy way out. I think the problems we face are more related to individual beliefs and values (ie: conservative vs progressive/liberal)...not on age...and how those beliefs and values shape our society. Lately we've been on a very leftward trajectory...but it's not because of boomers. It's because half the damn country believes in that nonsense.

I was born at the very end of the boomer years. I've held basically four jobs as an adult: military, law enforcement, small business owner and truck driver. I've worked hard my entire life, I've always voted conservatively to reflect, as much as possible, my beliefs and values. And I think most of my generation did the same though many thought differently than I do.

We live a pretty simple life and we don't live extravagantly...far from it.

Blame me all you want if that makes you feel better. But I'm not the cause of your perceived problems.
I work with many older gentlemen and this is usually their response.

It’s like people who say they’re a capitalist but don’t like when the price of gas goes up with demand or the price of an airline ticket goes up during holiday weekends.

We all seek out groups but rarely want to accept responsibility for any actions taken as a group. All “old people” I know of identify as a conservative old guy you described. The reality is your generation elected horrible leaders time and again. If you voted for Bush you are somewhat responsible for the forever war known as the GWOT. If you are a Trump supporter, you share the shame of the COVID stimulus and PPP loans. If you wear a Trump hat you own the douchebaggery of the bump stock ban.

Clinton and Obama were elected by vast majority of boomer voters.

I still hear old FUDDs acting like the NFA should be abided by. In this thread we have older men defending the machine gun ban.

My life is great, but I’d love a machine gun. I have specific people to blame for me not being able to own one.

You can look back through the umpteen bump stock ban threads to read how many people defended Trump by saying “he had to do something.” That’s just how politics work.

You asked for specific examples for why old people are to blame. I gave you specific examples. The worst is when older people act like I’m throwing a hissy fit for pointing out their generations lack of acceptable leadership. It’s not wrong or emotionally immature to point out historical facts and generational voting trends.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Obviously, you and I are not gonna agree on this. I think your explanation is far too simplistic and blaming one generation is taking the easy way out. I think the problems we face are more related to individual beliefs and values (ie: conservative vs progressive/liberal)...not on age...and how those beliefs and values shape our society. Lately we've been on a very leftward trajectory...but it's not because of boomers. It's because half the damn country believes in that nonsense.

I was born at the very end of the boomer years. I've held basically four jobs as an adult: military, law enforcement, small business owner and truck driver. I've worked hard my entire life, I've always voted conservatively to reflect, as much as possible, my beliefs and values. And I think most of my generation did the same though many thought differently than I do.

We live a pretty simple life and we don't live extravagantly...far from it.

Blame me all you want if that makes you feel better. But I'm not the cause of your perceived problems.
Is this how you really feel?
I would like to appeal to the generational council to make Ok Corgi Rancher Gen X. He clearly has the cynicism, despair and I wager as a youth he drank from the garden hose.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I would like to appeal to the generational council to make Ok Corgi Rancher Gen X. He clearly has the cynicism, despair and I wager as a youth he drank from the garden hose.
That’s why at the beginning of this I said he was not old! It was definitely the hose water, and GI joes

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I work with many older gentlemen and this is usually their response.

It’s like people who say they’re a capitalist but don’t like when the price of gas goes up with demand or the price of an airline ticket goes up during holiday weekends.

You will never find an instance of me arguing for ANY kind of price control. I believe the term "price gouging" is a made-up problem by those very people you describe. As a matter of fact, there was a thread here several months ago where that same type person(s) was hooray-ing that OK passed a price gouging law or some such thing. I'm totally against that. Government intervention is rarely the answer.

We all seek out groups but rarely want to accept responsibility for any actions taken as a group. All “old people” I know of identify as a conservative old guy you described. The reality is your generation elected horrible leaders time and again. If you voted for Bush you are somewhat responsible for the forever war known as the GWOT. If you are a Trump supporter, you share the shame of the COVID stimulus and PPP loans. If you wear a Trump hat you own the douchebaggery of the bump stock ban.

Clinton and Obama were elected by vast majority of boomer voters.

Fine. What other acceptable (in your mind) candidate(s) had/has a viable chance, back then or now, to be elected? I could say the same thing about those who don't vote or who vote third party. You're pi55ing and moaning about everyone else electing the wrong candidate. Who did you vote for? Who are you going to vote for? I just want to know so I can blame you when they don't get elected and things get more f'd up. Who is the magical, mythical candidate that I've somehow overlooked all these years who will straighten out this mess?

I made the mistake of voting 3rd party once...for Ross Perot in 1992. Because I wanted change and I thought something different might work. It didn't. And Perot was far and away the most successful third party presidential candidate we've seen. He was kinda like Trump is now. But he totally screwed the pooch, didn't he?

You don't seem to understand that basically half the country is ideologically opposed to your POV. They get votes, too, and think you're the one who doesn't get it.

I still hear old FUDDs acting like the NFA should be abided by. In this thread we have older men defending the machine gun ban.

Not me. Never have. Not in this thread or any other.

My life is great, but I’d love a machine gun. I have specific people to blame for me not being able to own one.

You can look back through the umpteen bump stock ban threads to read how many people defended Trump by saying “he had to do something.” That’s just how politics work.

I've stated before the Trump bump-stock ban was unforgiveable. If there was a better viable candidate I wouldn't vote for the guy. He isn't my savior like he seems to be with some. But he's better than the alternative. And that's how it works in the real world. I vote for the person who has the best chance of being elected and who most closely aligns with my world view.

You asked for specific examples for why old people are to blame. I gave you specific examples. The worst is when older people act like I’m throwing a hissy fit for pointing out their generations lack of acceptable leadership. It’s not wrong or emotionally immature to point out historical facts and generational voting trends.

You kinda come across like you're throwing a hissy fit...and like you should be sitting in your rocker on the front porch yelling "Get off my lawn!" to neighborhood kids. You sure you're not a bitter old boomer? Who are you going to start blaming when these future elections don't go your way and the majority of generation not-boomers elect people you don't like? That's just how the world works, dude. You're not the only one with a voice or with opinions of how things should be.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I would like to appeal to the generational council to make Ok Corgi Rancher Gen X. He clearly has the cynicism, despair and I wager as a youth he drank from the garden hose.

And I didn't wear a helmet...

Cynical? Yes. Despair? I don't despair about much...except that I have to sell a gun to buy a gun.

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