Hmmm, the Biden Administration sure is quiet about this!

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
How many of them were about Sam Brinton Mr. Whataboutism? Can you chart that out for us?

Come on Dennis Hoddy, did you read those articles? Did you? How many of them specifically indicated a former president was caught with such documents?

Just because there's a wall of text doesn't mean that it's substantive.
Now we have to wonder how many documents were planted by the FBI/DOJ when they went in with their search warrant with the silly photo-op they did after the raid.
How many presidents have had their personal home searched prior to Trump? I'll answer, zero, even though it's been proved in this thread some did indeed remove classified documents including obama and clinton, both president and his hopeful stand by your man wife.
Let's lay some facts out here. The DOJ Records Div had visited with the Trump team weeks before the raid about how the documents he took were being stored and recommended improvements which the Trump team immediately followed. They also returned some documents that were requested and stated if anymore were needed, they would comply.
Then the FBI hits with an open warrant to search the First Ladies underwear drawer if needed and they did.
Just prior to his announcement that he would again be running for POTUS.
Your people are so terrified of Trump that they are willing to take the highest offices in the Government and use them as clubs to prevent Trump from running again which has basically backfired on them.
Even more people are seeing the heavy hand of the liberals in government that are willing to overlook the Constitution in their pursuit of destroying Trump.
I hope Trump wins and just like Clinton, goes into the DOJ, firing every attorney that is not a representative of the Republican party and rehires everyone that is a conservative.
Some of Clintons appointees are still in office to this day from that purge.
Trump needs to start at the FBI and DOJ leadership working his way down to the mail room person to purge the government of liberals.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Now we have to wonder how many documents were planted by the FBI/DOJ when they went in with their search warrant with the silly photo-op they did after the raid.
How many presidents have had their personal home searched prior to Trump? I'll answer, zero, even though it's been proved in this thread some did indeed remove classified documents including obama and clinton, both president and his hopeful stand by your man wife.
Let's lay some facts out here. The DOJ Records Div had visited with the Trump team weeks before the raid about how the documents he took were being stored and recommended improvements which the Trump team immediately followed. They also returned some documents that were requested and stated if anymore were needed, they would comply.
Then the FBI hits with an open warrant to search the First Ladies underwear drawer if needed and they did.
Just prior to his announcement that he would again be running for POTUS.
Your people are so terrified of Trump that they are willing to take the highest offices in the Government and use them as clubs to prevent Trump from running again which has basically backfired on them.
Even more people are seeing the heavy hand of the liberals in government that are willing to overlook the Constitution in their pursuit of destroying Trump.
I hope Trump wins and just like Clinton, goes into the DOJ, firing every attorney that is not a representative of the Republican party and rehires everyone that is a conservative.
Some of Clintons appointees are still in office to this day from that purge.
Trump needs to start at the FBI and DOJ leadership working his way down to the mail room person to purge the government of liberals.
1. How has it been proven in this thread??? What did I miss?
2. If Team Trump had complied the first time and handed all records over, there would have been no follow-up at all. Weird.
3. Raid at Mar a Lago --- August 8th. Trump's 2024 announcement? Nov 15. Hardly "just prior"
4. Personally, I think it'll be hilarious watching Trump run. The GOP has largely abandoned him and largely pinned their futures on DeSantis. They could pick someone in the less extreme camp, but I suppose that wouldn't appeal to the extremists who would call anyone else a RINO.
5. Every point you make about the use as clubs, and prevention, and overlooking the Constitution gets said on the other side too. Truth is, both parties are crap and do the same things.
6. Glad to hear you endorse wholesale partisanship rather than appointing based on credentials. That'll go great and in no way backfire.


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Jan 12, 2007
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I never said I disagreed with throwing the book at the dudes actions. He should probably have a fair amount of his official actions reviewed too. But as far as scandals go, my point remains that having top secret/SCI stuff found at your home is probably a worse thing than stealing a suitcase. However, you may recall that your post kicked off that series of posts. To recall it:

You main a claim that "every POTUS since Slick Willy has done the prior deed" and I just asked for more documentation on that claim. As of yet, that has not been procured. Typically, when someone makes a claim a it's not uncommon to ask for more information. Interestingly here though you provided a bunch of stuff that didn't substantiate anything and then punctuated it with a whole lot of self-congratulations and snippy quippy stuff like the LMGTFY link.
To be blunt, it took you 4 pages and 36 posts to say anything remotely connected to the thread topic at all. When I finally forced you to address it, you did so very obliquely, as an afterthought under a wall of nonsense.

YOU tried to threadjack with post #8 with a whataboutism. I threw out some fresh cut bait in post #10 and reeled you in. So you saying my post kicked off that series pf posts is laughable. See post #8, which again, precedes my reply post #10.

Now to your terrible point. No, I don’t think having TS/SCI stuff found at your home is worse. Look up mala in se vs. mala prohibita. Brinton’s crime has a real victim. Trump’s alleged crime didn’t. It was probably more secure at Mar a Lago than all those makeshift facilities NARA used, and definitely no more likely to become “lost”.

You again proved you don’t actually care about TS/SCI material found at a former POTUS’s home either, with the way you deflected on the TS/SCI Hillary had on her and Bill’s home server in their bathroom closet, which was not air-gapped and therefore actually was vulnerable to foreign collection activities.

The reason I bag on NARA so much is because they’re the one agency that actually produces nothing whatsoever for America, constantly throws their authority around in partisan political ways, and has no room to complain about how any other agency or office handles public records. They’re reprehensible hypocrites in my book and very complicit in hiding select political misdeeds.

Tl;dr: You’re obsessed with whataboutism and Orange Man bad. I don’t care about your questions, but do quite enjoy poking holes in your Orange Man bad whataboutism.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
1. How has it been proven in this thread??? What did I miss?
2. If Team Trump had complied the first time and handed all records over, there would have been no follow-up at all. Weird.
3. Raid at Mar a Lago --- August 8th. Trump's 2024 announcement? Nov 15. Hardly "just prior"
4. Personally, I think it'll be hilarious watching Trump run. The GOP has largely abandoned him and largely pinned their futures on DeSantis. They could pick someone in the less extreme camp, but I suppose that wouldn't appeal to the extremists who would call anyone else a RINO.
5. Every point you make about the use as clubs, and prevention, and overlooking the Constitution gets said on the other side too. Truth is, both parties are crap and do the same things.
6. Glad to hear you endorse wholesale partisanship rather than appointing based on credentials. That'll go great and in no way backfire.
You didn't read a thing I said. Trump's team, (alert! Trump was not involved in the discussion) were asked to return a few documents, all of which had been documented before being removed from the White House by Trumps team. Another alert! Trump did not go through the files and remove the documents. His team did. Pay attention.
Trumps team met with the DOJ records division just before his announcement to run again and returned all documents they requested while following their directions to further secure the documents that remained. AT THAT TIME, they knew every document he had. Do you follow this so far?
It's the second time I've repeated it.
Yes, it was prior to Trumps announcement as August certainly comes prior to November does it not?
You dismiss Hillary's involvement in destroying hidden servers with top secret documents being passed, some of which went to obama? Seriously?
You're not aware that once a candidate for POTUS receives their party's nomination for that office, they are given National Security briefings which are all Top Secret.
It's not even a discussion if that server existed which is totally illegal. What is also illegal is that congress issued a subpoena to recover the blackberry phones of hillary and her staff. The staff destroyed the sim cards and phones with hammers rendering them useless which is also against the law.
Keep digging yourself into a hole. I'll keep throwing dirt on top of you.
Edited for a misspelled word.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
To be blunt, it took you 4 pages and 36 posts to say anything remotely connected to the thread topic at all. When I finally forced you to address it, you did so very obliquely, as an afterthought under a wall of nonsense.

YOU tried to threadjack with post #8 with a whataboutism. I threw out some fresh cut bait in post #10 and reeled you in. So you saying my post kicked off that series pf posts is laughable. See post #8, which again, precedes my reply post #10.

Now to your terrible point. No, I don’t think having TS/SCI stuff found at your home is worse. Look up mala in se vs. mala prohibita. Brinton’s crime has a real victim. Trump’s alleged crime didn’t. It was probably more secure at Mar a Lago than all those makeshift facilities NARA used, and definitely no more likely to become “lost”.

You again proved you don’t actually care about TS/SCI material found at a former POTUS’s home either, with the way you deflected on the TS/SCI Hillary had on her and Bill’s home server in their bathroom closet, which was not air-gapped and therefore actually was vulnerable to foreign collection activities.

The reason I bag on NARA so much is because they’re the one agency that actually produces nothing whatsoever for America, constantly throws their authority around in partisan political ways, and has no room to complain about how any other agency or office handles public records. They’re reprehensible hypocrites in my book and very complicit in hiding select political misdeeds.

Tl;dr: You’re obsessed with whataboutism and Orange Man bad. I don’t care about your questions, but do quite enjoy poking holes in your Orange Man bad whataboutism.
You didn't force me to do anything pookie. But it does happen that not everything coming out of your mouth is gibberish, and I do occasionally agree with you. Now, as far as the bait and reel....for someone again so profoundly smart and infallible as you are, surely you know by now I'm here for the entertainment. Whether it's you, or Hoddy, or any number of other people that are keeping me company. You've done lovely tonight BTW.

Now, to Hillary. Ahhhh Hillary, the women that people just can't get enough of. The first-gen catchall before "Hunters Laptop" became in vogue. Hillary and Bill sure seems like they operate in different spaces to me. I've not got caught up in their relationship, but they do seem to have more independence from each other than many couples. So if Bill had something to do with the server, it'd surprise me. Your point that it was in his space ---- well, I'll concede that. Whether it matters, as her handling of said data seems to have been cleared of wrong doing, is a different matter I suppose.

At least we've established some concrete thing. You hate NARA. cool. I dislike most government agencies, but if you take it to a passion cool.

Like it or not, people dislike Trump. He was a poor choice in 2016, he was a poor (but traditional) choice in 2020. The GOP had many better candidates that could have run on much better policy and substance. He made a few decisions I agreed with, and a lot I thought were horrific. I think the same on Biden. It is what it is.

You didn't read a thing I said. Trump's team, (alert! Trump was not involved in the discussion) were asked to return a few documents, all of which had been documented before being removed from the White House by Trumps team. Another alert! Trump did not go through the files and remove the documents. His team did. Pay attention.
Trumps team met with the DOJ records division just before his announcement to run again and returned all documents they requested while following their directions to further secure the documents that remained. AT THAT TIME, they knew every document he had. Do you follow this so far?
It's the second time I've repeated it.
Yes, it was prior to Trumps announcement as August certainly comes prior to November does it not?
You dismiss Hillary's involvement in destroying hidden servers with top secret documents being passed, some of which went to obama? Seriously?
You're not aware that once a candidate for POTUS receives their party's nomination for that office, they are given National Security briefings which are all Top Secret.
It's not even a discussion if that server existed which is totally illegal. What is also illegal is that congress issued a subpoena to recover the blackberry phones of hillary and her staff. The staff destroyed the sim cards and phones with hammers rendering them useless which is also against the law.
Keep digging yourself into a hole. I'll keep throwing dirt on top of you.
Edited for a misspelled word.

Dennis Hoddy, you never miss a chance to spin things. You certainly are towing lots of party talking points, but my favorite is where you change from "just prior" to "August comes prior to November". Sure, but that "just" in your original is important. You do you amigo and keep thinking the world of yourself.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You didn't force me to do anything pookie. But it does happen that not everything coming out of your mouth is gibberish, and I do occasionally agree with you. Now, as far as the bait and reel....for someone again so profoundly smart and infallible as you are, surely you know by now I'm here for the entertainment. Whether it's you, or Hoddy, or any number of other people that are keeping me company. You've done lovely tonight BTW.

Now, to Hillary. Ahhhh Hillary, the women that people just can't get enough of. The first-gen catchall before "Hunters Laptop" became in vogue. Hillary and Bill sure seems like they operate in different spaces to me. I've not got caught up in their relationship, but they do seem to have more independence from each other than many couples. So if Bill had something to do with the server, it'd surprise me. Your point that it was in his space ---- well, I'll concede that. Whether it matters, as her handling of said data seems to have been cleared of wrong doing, is a different matter I suppose.

At least we've established some concrete thing. You hate NARA. cool. I dislike most government agencies, but if you take it to a passion cool.

Like it or not, people dislike Trump. He was a poor choice in 2016, he was a poor (but traditional) choice in 2020. The GOP had many better candidates that could have run on much better policy and substance. He made a few decisions I agreed with, and a lot I thought were horrific. I think the same on Biden. It is what it is.

Dennis Hoddy, you never miss a chance to spin things. You certainly are towing lots of party talking points, but my favorite is where you change from "just prior" to "August comes prior to November". Sure, but that "just" in your original is important. You do you amigo and keep thinking the world of yourself.
Not one single spin in my post. 100% FACT. I just threw another shovel of dirt into the grave you dug.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You didn't force me to do anything pookie. But it does happen that not everything coming out of your mouth is gibberish, and I do occasionally agree with you. Now, as far as the bait and reel....for someone again so profoundly smart and infallible as you are, surely you know by now I'm here for the entertainment. Whether it's you, or Hoddy, or any number of other people that are keeping me company. You've done lovely tonight BTW.

Now, to Hillary. Ahhhh Hillary, the women that people just can't get enough of. The first-gen catchall before "Hunters Laptop" became in vogue. Hillary and Bill sure seems like they operate in different spaces to me. I've not got caught up in their relationship, but they do seem to have more independence from each other than many couples. So if Bill had something to do with the server, it'd surprise me. Your point that it was in his space ---- well, I'll concede that. Whether it matters, as her handling of said data seems to have been cleared of wrong doing, is a different matter I suppose.

At least we've established some concrete thing. You hate NARA. cool. I dislike most government agencies, but if you take it to a passion cool.

Like it or not, people dislike Trump. He was a poor choice in 2016, he was a poor (but traditional) choice in 2020. The GOP had many better candidates that could have run on much better policy and substance. He made a few decisions I agreed with, and a lot I thought were horrific. I think the same on Biden. It is what it is.

Dennis Hoddy, you never miss a chance to spin things. You certainly are towing lots of party talking points, but my favorite is where you change from "just prior" to "August comes prior to November". Sure, but that "just" in your original is important. You do you amigo and keep thinking the world of yourself.
Hillary was confirmed of wrongdoing, not cleared. She was also up to her eyeballs with Brennan and the other “senior intelligence officials” in wasting $45 million taxpayer dollars chasing Muh Russia Collusion. She earned her stripes with the Deep State back when Bill was still POTUS and they all knew she was going to eventually run for POTUS herself. They had her back all the way through, part of which happened while she was SoS, which is where NARA came to all of their rescue.

I’m on record going all the way back. I never cared about Bill getting lucky in the Oval Office. I cared about him selling ITAR restricted secrets to China. I never liked GWB or his daddy, (who was OG Deep State). I didn’t care about Obama being the first black president, I cared about him gutting the senior ranks of the DoD and promoting based on ideological purity, which has seriously hampered their ability to kill people and break their stuff.

I’m on record saying I wanted Trump to run in 2016, but not win. I’m on record saying he’s an ******* and I don’t like him, but admired his ability to get things done despite the most shockingly hateful and coordinated opposition I’ve seen in my lifetime. Having to fight the Deep State, tech, social media, traditional media and the legal system all at the same time made it impossible to accomplish more.

I’m also on record saying I don’t want Trump to run in 2024 and prefer DeSantis 100/0. But I don’t have TDS and if he becomes the nominee, he absolutely has my vote over whatever sock puppet the Dems put up.

Joe Biden is a deeply corrupt politician and the fact he has his dopehead sex addict son running around the globe as his bagman is a slap in the face. Once again the corrupt Deep State/tech/social media/traditional media/legal system cabal came to his rescue, giving him enough cover to buy all the votes necessary to maintain power.

If they even remotely probed the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosi’s, Kerry’s, Bidens, etc. as they did Trump, they’d find things that are 10x worse than the worst Trump has done. The hypocrisy galls me to no end.

The entire political system has become ungovernable by we the people. I’ve said more bad things about McConnell and McCarthy than Brinton, but Brinton is a classic example of how badly the Biden Admin wants to select postings purely on diversity. His WHPS can’t even gaslight America convincingly, certainly not without going all angry black woman on the WHPC.

It’s all just too far gone to salvage at this point. Not even an Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt could fix this much rot. We’re just rearranging the deck chairs now, but if we can occasionally throw a few of them overboard like Sam Brinton or Nina Janckowitz? Geronimo the **** up!

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