How can I collect on a bad check ? “UPDATE”

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I appreciate all the help, it is a check to my business for work I did and “undoing” the work really isn’t an option, getting a bat and act menacing would probably get me arrested 😂, the lady is 70 yrs old and has the sweetest southern drawl ever and I took the check instead of a credit card because I was in a hurry to meet up with an OSA’er for a gun I was buying, she assured me about 3 times that she would pay me in a day or two, it’s only 135.00 and not the end of the world but the first time she lead me to believe she had the money a couple of days after I contacted her about the returned check she asked me to come by and she asked me to move 19 mattresses out of her garage to the curb which I did just because I’m a nice guy, THEN she said she would have payment in a couple of days, so now it’s principle over money and I’m gonna collect one way or another !!
I'm soooo glad you are not thinking of getting her on one of the nineteen mattresses.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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70 yo, 19 mattresses

Her old pics posted in the ex-wife thread?

She may be willing to work out a trade.
Ok, the mattresses belonged to a roommate she had living there that sold them as his side hustle, she was kicking him out and that’s why I rekeyed her locks, she wanted them out so he could come get them. She probably screwed him over too ?
May 15, 2007
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Broken Arrow
A lady wrote me a check for some locksmith work, check was returned for insufficient funds, I contacted the lady and she has made several excuses and tells me she’ll pay when she gets money in from one of several sources ( all lies) I don’t want to wait too long what are my options in the state of Oklahoma?

I appriciate all the advice here, you guys are great! I decided to wait until today and run it thru again and if it bounced again then go to DA and let them handle it, Well, she called me Sunday afternoon and said she would have the cash on the 3rd (today) and she went to my bank and I gave her the acct # to deposit it and she did, so it’s all paid up and I will block her number and not have to deal with her again! Thanks again everyone and a special thsnks to That gurl for offering to come “ have a talk “ with her ! Lol, and for you guys wondering about the mattresses if you’ll shoot me you phone numbers I’ll pass them on to her and y’all can make your own deals 😂😂😂😂
You gave her your acct # ?!?!?!?!?!

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