How do ya'll feel about Russell Westbrook now?

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I know a couple of seasons ago, we had an OKC Thunder thread and there were a number of guys on the board who were definitely not big fans of Russell Westbrook. There was a lot of talk about his turnovers, his seeming out-of-control play and poor shot selection, especially late in tight games - and to be fair, those were some valid concerns.

But with the departure of Durant, the Thunder have obviously had to lean almost 100% on Russ. This season, he has flourished, for sure. He still has his off games, still has times when he has streaky efficiency, etc.

But damn... you just can't argue what he's done. Let's face it, without Russell this year, OKC would probably be in the same league with the Pelicans or the Nets. He's one triple-double away from tying Wilt the Stilt for 2nd-most ever in an NBA season, and is on a pace to make a legitimate run for Oscar Robertson's record of 41 triple-doubles in a single season. He's averaging a triple-double, which is insane. Also, a feat only accomplished by The Big O.

He's had more triple-double streaks of 4 games in a row than all other players COMBINED in the previous 40 years. Michael and Magic each did it once. He and James Harden each have 5 40-point triple-doubles this year - another stat only accomplished by Oscar Robertson.

Leading the league in scoring - almost two full points ahead of the next contender, Isaiah Thomas.
12th in the league in rebounding - the only guard behind all power forwards and centers until you get to Harden at 23rd. And everyone ahead of him is 6'8" or taller, I believe.
3rd in the NBA in assists (Harden leads by an average of 1 per game over Russ)

I think he's a legitimate contender for MVP. Not only is he leading the league, I think he is truly more valuable and more indispensable to his team than any other player. Without him, we'd be dead in the water.

I know this is all common knowledge stuff, I'm just amazed at what he does, and the energy he plays with is staggering. Love him or hate him, the guy isn't the Energizer Bunny, he's the damn Tasmanian Devil - with all the good and bad that can go with that.

So my specific question isn't for the guys who've always believed in him, but really for the guys who DON'T like him, or DIDN'T like him. What do you think now? Has your opinion changed with his success, or do you think there are any number of players in the NBA who could have flourished this way if they were placed in the same position - i.e., losing someone like Durant and having a team essentially built around you and you alone?

Share your feelings! Vent! Rant! Complain! Or whatever you want to do... I love NBA basketball, and having a team in OKC to get behind has been great for me. I spend too much time at work, my schedule is too chaotic, so I like having something like this I can look forward to on my occasional days off - sitting back with a nice whisky and watching and rooting for the Thunder.

What do you guys think?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 12, 2005
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West OKC
I've always been in the Russell Westbrook camp even when KD was here. He just have that fire and drive that KD and many others lack. He's an alpha dog and demands success. Great leader and proven winner. Russell Westbrook for MVP!!!


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I've always liked Russ. Durant was an over paid baby that wanted all the glory. I remember one time he didn't get a pass and he looked at his teammate and said "pass me the F'n ball!" That's the character he has. And then he makes a classless move by leaving OKC. Not by leaving, but how he did it. He didn't even bother to tell Russ. Man what a guy. Russ on the other hand seams genuine and has said how much he loves Oklahoma. And he is a great player to boot.


Special Hen
Oct 19, 2010
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Piedmont, OK
He is an absolute freak. My buddy is a strength coach and said he eats 20 chicken nuggets and white gravy from Chicken Express nearly every day. He eats garbage and turns it into fire.

He is amazingly talented and may be one of the first guys to truly challenge Jordan's legacy.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I was always frustrated by his lack of consistency, but liked the guy anyway. Well now his consistency has come a long ways and I think that comes with experience and the change in situation. I hope he keeps right on trucking!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Honestly... I will admit I was completely wrong about him in terms of staying/leaving. I thought Durant would stay and Westbrook would bolt at the first chance he got. I'm a fan.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I was wrong about him too, I figured he would bolt back to L.A. the first chance he got. Glad to be wrong about that because it's been fun to watch him trounce everything. Other players on the court, stats, all of it.

He's matured as a player and he's improved as an athlete. As hard as it is to wrap our brains around that the level he's always been at, it's true. When KD was here I always thought RW was a better player, but KD had the numbers saying otherwise. He's improved every aspect of his game and I think it's been a methodical thing for him. I think what fuels RW's drive is that he WANTS to be the next Jordan. He knows he can be and he wants it. I think he'll get it too unless he gets hurt. I've basically quit following NBA, but as long as RW is here, keeps his political views to himself, and doesn't turn into another Ron Artest, I'll keep watching him grow as a player.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 1, 2009
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Been an NBA FAN my whole life! Grew up in a suburb of Chicago (Naperville) and had a Dad that was HUGE sports fan. First Bulls I remember were ALMOST playing in a gym with Jerry Sloan, Bullwinkle, ?? HUGE fan during Jordan and Pippen days. Won't get into the Cubs and Bears right now. (Think Gayle Sayers, Dick Butkus, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, etc...) You youngsters going WHO right now? ANYHOW Westbrook is the most explosive and intense player in any sport I've ever seen! I was a fan of both KD and RW, but WOW! And the Thunder org is doing its best to get a rounded team that can compete. Was last in 3 pt shooting and last night made their first 12
3's! I THINK last time a team did this was in 1998. Go THUNDER!! RW for MVP! I haven't heard the latest but KD hurt his knee in 1st qtr last night, so now MRI today.. FYI- the Warriors lost last night!

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