They must also achieve the speed of the traffic they are merging with. This fact escapes me when there is a nice long onramp, azzhats insist upon doing 50 to 55 when merging onto a 65 MPH highway. after having been behind these efferes, and after I leave them in my dust finally achieving the speed limit, they will invariably pass me speeding above the speed limit.Every merge includes the sign, Yield to oncoming traffic.
When one is in the right lane where they merge and another vehicle is in the middle lane or left lane, it's impossible to move over, which I do when it's possible.
For some reason the people in the merge lane with the phone stuck on their left ear to obscure their vision seems to think the vehicle with the right of way needs to slow down to let them in.
Nope, and I've been called an inconsiderate diver in past threads for saying that.
Folks that are merging must yield to oncoming traffic by law.