I saw that in our yard a few months ago, really cool, I wouldn't have guessed what it was till I looked really close at several.Man...if that isn't a click-bait title nothing is!
I was walking out to the garden after dark with a flashlight. As the light shined across the ground I saw what I thought were maybe hundreds of fireflies in the grass. But none were flying and I thought that was odd. They were moving across the ground, though.
I shined the light on one firefly and was able to walk to it and get a closer look. Not a firefly at all. It was a spider and it was it's eyes glowing in the dark just like a deer would when a light is shined in their eyes. Tiny little green dots. They look similar to a wolf spider...maybe that's what they are. Really common tan and brown colored spiders with dark stripes.
Literally hundreds of them just in a small area. The ground is alive with them it seems. Showed this to my wife. She may not sleep for a week or more.