That's what I thought. Grown men arguing over which POS rifle is better than the other Mattel toy POS rifle. Ruger had some great designs, and the Mini was one, too bad they didn't have a machinist in the shop that could make something, and then that Colt Ar, aluminum is such a beautiful thing to make a rifle out of, no need to blue it, just hit it with a rattle can, and how about those plastic stocks, they don't need no stinking checkering, and the forend comes complete with aluminum foil just in case you want a baked potato. And that 5.56 Pow R House round, if the enemy is 500 yds away wearing a heavy coat, lay low, you might piss him off and he will shoot back with something that could hurt you. What a bunch of whiners and bedwetters we have become. The M1 Garand was credited with winning world war 2, nobody will credit the M16 with anything, the M14 is a beautiful and deadly rifle, and the Washington p*ssy's replaced it with the M16, it's as much of a joke as they are. But they did come up with cute slogans to justify the stupidity like, a wounded army is a slow army, and let's win some hearts and minds, it's like millinials are running the war dept. Nothing makes a statement like a battlefield littered with corpses at the hands of well trained rifleman armed with rifles that can do the job with one round. Hell, I'd rather use my 1886 winchester, you have to be a man with a tight ******* just to pick it up, and back in those days you looked the enemy over, picked out the man in charge and put 275 grains of lead in his chest and his friends picked up their toys and left. No need for high cap mags and flash hiders and hoochi gucci bullsh*t.Dang! Stay out of a thread for a couple days thinking how much more can be squeezed from it and I’m amazed at you folk.
Great job!!