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Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
Things are progressing. House goes on the market tomorrow. Our broker already has three showings lined up for Monday afternoon. Alreadyhave had several cars stop in front of our home staring and looking hard. The market is incredible out here so hoping for the best with offers. Wife had a fantastic conversation with her owner and will be workign remotely from OK with one or two several day trips per month out to Orange County to work. I still need to talk to my district manager about transfering to an OK location.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
House has been on the market for one week. With the whole covid thing, open houses are a thing of the past. Since my Son still has Zoom classes most of the week we could only have showing from 2pm-5pm during the week. Right now we've had 14 showings with 3 offers. Offers are fantastic considering we have some "unusual" circumstances we are asking for. Our broker is a freakin' animal and seems to have gotten a verbal agreement from all three offers on our unusual leaseback requests (lease back through end of August). Now our broker is writing up and sending over to them to come back with their best and final offer. I should know by Saturday evening where we are and what we are going to accept. Not sure who is drinking more this weekend? Me or the buyers. It is some serious exciting and stressful times.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
House has been on the market for one week. With the whole covid thing, open houses are a thing of the past. Since my Son still has Zoom classes most of the week we could only have showing from 2pm-5pm during the week. Right now we've had 14 showings with 3 offers. Offers are fantastic considering we have some "unusual" circumstances we are asking for. Our broker is a freakin' animal and seems to have gotten a verbal agreement from all three offers on our unusual leaseback requests (lease back through end of August). Now our broker is writing up and sending over to them to come back with their best and final offer. I should know by Saturday evening where we are and what we are going to accept. Not sure who is drinking more this weekend? Me or the buyers. It is some serious exciting and stressful times.
When we moved from Kansas back to Oklahoma the house we had bought a year before ended up in a bidding war with three buyers. We thought it was great until we tried buying a house in the OKC metro area right after the May 3rd tornado. Every house we put a offer on was snatched out from under us by someone from Moore, Oklahoma with cash from their insurance company. That happened on about 8 houses total. I finally found one and just signed the papers. We were living out of a moving trailer at the farm.

Typical Oklahoma metro area house. Yukon address, OKC Police and Fire, Canadian County sheriff, Mustang Schools. Go figure.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
@Parks 788, that is fantastic, I am really happy for you. Must be cool to have something people want that badly. It sure will be nice for you to get to OK for good, I would think. :D

One of my friends is moving, his house is right on the golf course, beautiful back deck and lawn/relaxing area overlooking the 17th tee and water hazard... he tried to sell it to me, but I'm just not in any position to buy it, I would have loved to. Although if/when I do buy I really want to be out in the country. Anyways, long story short, he got his asking price in 2 hours. Man. Just incredible the market right now. My house wouldn't sell nearly as well, even though we've updated a ton of stuff, it's just not a desirable location or dwelling, really. And even if we did sell and make a profit - we'd still have to buy something to replace it, and it's a seller's market right now.

So good for you, man, I'm really happy for you.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
Thanks tRidiot. We are still waiting for the last of the three counter offers to come in. Got a little impatient as the first to came in my about mid day. When i spoke to our broker she said they have up to three days to get back to us. I asked if they were going to counter for sure and she said 1000% and she knows the other brokers. THe two counters we ahve a pretty good but one came back at us with an Escalation Clause that i never heard of before. It sort of pissed me off since they didnt come back with a best and final number. Luckily the couple and broker i really like really came through with a great number and lease back. In the end, the offers are really good for us.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
Well, that was a stressful and crazy day. We had been waiting for the last of the three groups to respond to our "Best and Final" request on a count-offer. On their initial offer they were far, far lower than the other two offers but still $5k more than our asking price. I wasn't too confident they would come close to were the other two offers were sitting on their Best and Final. Well, they not only met the other two counter offers but blew past them. We accepted the offer this afternoon and will be in escrow starting tomorrow. I'm shocked at this real estate market and it's crazy to think that we put the house on the market 9 days ago and got $80K over asking price. 60 day escrow and 60 day leaseback so we'll probably be heading to Sapulpa at the end of August.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Well, that was a stressful and crazy day. We had been waiting for the last of the three groups to respond to our "Best and Final" request on a count-offer. On their initial offer they were far, far lower than the other two offers but still $5k more than our asking price. I wasn't too confident they would come close to were the other two offers were sitting on their Best and Final. Well, they not only met the other two counter offers but blew past them. We accepted the offer this afternoon and will be in escrow starting tomorrow. I'm shocked at this real estate market and it's crazy to think that we put the house on the market 9 days ago and got $80K over asking price.

60 day escrow and 60 day leaseback so we'll probably be heading to Sapulpa at the end of August.

Good on you sir! I'll be waiting on you to drive through OKC. I'll have a pot of coffee and a dozen donuts. :clap3:

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
So, we closed today on the 60 Day Escrow. Wire transfer was too late in the day so don't have the funds in our account until tomorrow. Makes me a bit nervous as we no longer own the home and still do have the money in the bank. At least one major hurdle has been crossed. Wife and I and our two boxers are hauling a full load in our trailer out to Sapulpa on July 10th for that week. At the same time my son will be in Stillwater doing the freshman orientation. Also meeting with the District Sales Manager in Tulsa for the company I currently work for and hopefully lock in a transfer date for late August, early September. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next 60 days.

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