Joe Biden Claims ‘Brave Right-Wing Americans’ Are Shooting Law Enforcement

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Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
For what it's worth here's my take on it. Most people care about putting food on their table. They not only want to go to the store and find the shelves stocked, they want to be able to afford to purchase the goods they want and need. They also care about being able to afford to put gas in their vehicles and not having to worry about violent crime. Joe's BS and lies are just that and the majority of Americans can see right through it. Joe can talk all he wants but the bottom line is the economy which, thanks to him, is in shambles and that will spell his demise.

EDIT: After forcing myself to listen to the old fool (I rarely do since it just drives my blood pressure up) I hear the same worn out points he always makes. Blah, blah, blah, like a broken record it never changes. Most notably though is the quote by Justice Scalia where he ALWAYS conveniently leaves out the fact that, in the Heller opinion, that Joe is partially referring to, Justice Scalia also said the 2nd Amendment covers weapons that are “in common use at the time” for “lawful purposes like self-defense.”. Taking into account that the AR15 is the most popular rifle in America it easily falls into the category of weapons Justice Scalia said are protected under the Second Amendment. Joe doesn't want to mention that fact though does he! Just more proof of the deception that has become the hallmark of the democratic party.
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May 11, 2020
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Right wingers are shooting cops now?

If a dem claims the other side is doing something wrong, that's codespeak for the dems doing it. Trump's russian collusion? Yea the dems were colluding. Rigging elections? Yep dems. I could go on all night. He's just piling on now.
In 1954, a renowned Marxist named Saul Alinsky wrote a limited 'manifesto' for growing the Communist Party in America. One of his prime tenets was remarkably simple. "Accuse your opponent of what YOU are doing."


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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not available
i read a true story from the early days of American politics. as i remember the story ---- Davey Crockett i think was running for election and was on a road when he saw a man in the field near the road,so he decided to stop the man to see his opinions and needs. in the conversation Crockett asked the man for his opinion on congress wanting to pass and provide a pension for the widows of the revolution. the man responded to Crockett that any pension was a misuse of federal power and funding also out of the scope of the congressional duty. the man responded to Crockett that if the congress felt the need for such charity that the members of congress should provide the pensions out of their personal accounts. now this came from a farmer,just a plain old everyday American citizen. in my opinion if modern citizens had a tenth of the wisdom and knowledge of this one man that our country would be much different. found this---

When Crockett sat down, the bill was dead. He had shamed it to death. Furthermore, according to [his biographer and friend Edward] Ellis, not a single member of Congress offered to join him in contributing a week’s pay for the relief of poor widow, about whose plight so many of them had waxed eloquent when they thought they were going to be spending the taxpayers’ money rather than their own.

At that time, the records of the House did not include transcripts of speeches made on the floor. So some historians have questioned the authenticity of Crockett’s speech. But Crockett is known to have opposed a similar bill in 1828, and the speech certainly sounds like him.

So does the observation that Ellis says Crockett made to him in private afterwards:

There is one thing now to which I will call your attention. You remember that I proposed to give a week’s pay. There are in that House many very wealthy men—men who think nothing of spending a week’s pay, or a dozen of them, for a dinner or a wine party when they have something to accomplish by it. Some of those same men made beautiful speeches upon the great debt of gratitude which the country owed the deceased—a debt which could not be paid by money—and the insignificance and worthlessness of money, particularly so insignificant a sum as $10,000, when weighed against the honor of the nation. Yet not one of them responded to my proposition. Money with them is nothing but trash when it is to come out of the people. But it is the one great thing for which most of them are striving, and many of them sacrifice honor, integrity, and justice to obtain it. from the article
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Aug 8, 2022
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Edmond, OK 73034
Remember this is also the same person that stated a 556-223 is five times faster than any rifle bullet made! Seriously folks how does he continue to lie and get away with it? I searched "why do politicians Lie" once. There was several articles from clinical psychiatrist and other Dr's that explained that they lie so much they actually believe what they say is true. That once they train their brain is used to this. They have no control over lies or truth. The pathetic brain of a politician is actually damaged beyond repair. They will say anything to anyone to make the assumption they want. I think its disgusting and everyone involved in Politics should have to be mentally evaluated every year!

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.

Fade2blue posted this in the memes and I am posting it here. Everyone needs to see/read this.​"] That's the sad/scary part. [/QUOTE]

Fade2blue posted this in the memes and I am posting it here. Everyone needs to see/read this.​
Evolution is the survival of the fittest, to improve the species, right? If that is true, that would have to mean intellectual, as well as physical, fittest! If true, the preditor would get the slow, as well as the stupid, right? As I see it, we have eliminated all the human predators, we take care of the physically handicapped, as it should be, but we let the stupid VOTE! and RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE! Is that improving the species, I don't think so?

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