Just got this e-mail : "Ambush Vote in Congress Today"

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Special Hen
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
OK Chitty
Just got this e-mail from National Association for Gun Rights:

Seeking to “cash in” on the tragedy in California, gun-grabbers in Washington, DC launched their first ambush under the cover of darkness last night.

Anti-gun Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA) filed an amendment to H.R. 4660 that increases funding by $19.5 million for Eric Holder's NICS background check and gun registration system!

What’s worse, it could be voted on in the House as early as today!

By dangling millions of dollars in front of state governments, the feds seek to collect data on as many gun owners as possible -- placing them in the NICS database for permanent disarmament.

Once in this database, it’s virtually impossible for a name to be removed.

Make no mistake about it, the gun-grabbers are testing the waters in an attempt to open the door for more Barack Obama gun control in 2014.

That’s why it’s vital you call your Congressman RIGHT NOW!

INSIST your Congressman OPPOSE Democrat Congressman Mike Thompson’s anti-gun amendment to H.B. 4660.

Call Rep. Tom Cole: (202) 225-6165

If you cannot get through on that line, please call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and they will connect you to your Congressman’s office.

Disguised as an effort to “increase mental health funding,” Thompson’s amendment provides more resources to construct Barack Obama’s National “Mental Health” No Gun Database.

If passed, this radical scheme would allow federal government bureaucrats to strip law-abiding American citizens of their Second Amendment rights just because they don’t like your, race, religion or political views.

ObamaCare is the main vehicle for building the gun-grabbers’ National No Gun Registry, but they’ll use virtually any excuse -- including the tragedy in California -- to put as many Americans as possible on the list.

Have you ever served in the military or experienced a traumatic family situation like the death of a loved one?

If you’re prescribed anything at all -- or even if you complain of stress to the wrong person -- that could be enough for you to lose your Second Amendment rights!

Handing some Obama administration bureaucrat the power to strip American citizens of their Second Amendment rights on a whim is a recipe for a gun control DISASTER!

Already, news reports show that nearly 30% of the nearly 900,000 Iraq and Afghanistan War vets treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs have been diagnosed with PTSD!

This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of vets who have already been “rewarded” for serving their country with the loss of their gun rights.

Not long ago, former Surgeon General Steven Galson estimated that 46.4% of Americans experience some sort of mental illness during their lives!

To the gun-grabbers, disarming half of America for life with a simple mental health database within a few years’ time sounds like a dream come true!

And if you ever lose your gun rights, don’t count on ever getting them back.

That’s why it’s vital you call your Congressman AT ONCE!

Call Rep. Tom Cole: (202) 225-6165

INSIST they OPPOSE Democrat Mike Thompson’s anti-gun amendment to H.B. 4660.

Thanks -- in advance -- for taking action.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

P.S. Barack Obama and the gun-grabbers on Capitol Hill want to “cash in” on the recent tragedy in California.

The U.S. House could vote as early as today to increase funding for Eric Holder’s ATF -- and provide more resources for Barack Obama’s National “Mental Health” No Gun Database.

Please call your Congressman AT ONCE and insist they OPPOSE Democrat Mike Thompson’s anti-gun amendment to H.B. 4660.

Call Rep. Tom Cole: (202) 225-6165


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I'm a believer. Time to make a phone call to my US Rep.

"Hello this is ____________ in (town)........I'm calling to oppose Representative Thompson's amendment to HR 4660. It is anti-second amendment because it will give power to the feds to take firearms away from anyone on anti-anxiety medication or who has ever sought help for stress"

Here's the direct phone numbers:


1 Bridenstine, Jim R 202-225-2211

2 Mullin, Markwayne R 202-225-2701

3 Lucas, Frank R 202-225-5565

4 Cole, Tom R 202-225-6165

5 Lankford, James R 202-225-2132


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
The 19.5 million dollars in supplemental funding passed the house yesterday 260-145

Interesting - this muddies the water. I just spoke with the office of Rep Lucas. His staff member assured me the Representative is aware of the amendment and opposes it. HR 4660 is a resolution and not a bill.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
Interesting - this muddies the water. I just spoke with the office of Rep Lucas. His staff member assured me the Representative is aware of the amendment and opposes it. HR 4660 is a resolution and not a bill.
Notice in the OP it says HR4660 at the top and HB4660 at the bottom.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
Interesting - this muddies the water. I just spoke with the office of Rep Lucas. His staff member assured me the Representative is aware of the amendment and opposes it. HR 4660 is a resolution and not a bill.
Thompson introduced another bill today that's even more far reaching and I bet that's the amendment Lucas' office was referring to.
Supposedly the one introduced today has no chance "they say".


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