So you do not think that our immigration laws need to be updated? Great, but I don't agree that a prego immigrant that crosses our border illegally just to have her baby so that it automatically becomes a full-fledged American citizen is the way to go because when that kiddo reaches the age of adulthood (18), they can then use that ill-gained citizenship to sponsor any number of other immigrants that probably shouldn't be in our country. No other First-World country has an "Anchor Baby" law - they all require that at least one of the parents be a citizen.I don’t have a problem with H1-B1 legal visa migrant workers. That’s LEGAL. As for illegals the country would do fine without them. The illegals want the jobs of America. America doesn’t need them. All the low wage jobs that are suppressed due to illegal aliens would end up with rising wages helping out the people that are already competing for them against the underpaid illegals.
Who would work them? People that need the money. There were plenty of Americans doing those jobs already before the illegal immigration suppressed the wages to the point that Americans didn’t want them anymore.
I’ve known Americans that work peanut farms. I’ve known Americans that worked cattle ranches. I’ve known Americans that worked Farms. I’ve known Americans that worked as house cleaners, I’ve known Americans that were janitors, unskilled labor in addition to construction workers. Americans have done all these jobs. It’s kind of hard to run a business of just Americans when the other guy has a complete crew of illegals getting paid way less. Makes it hard as in impossible to compete in business. It’s time to make these jobs for Americans that pay decent wages once more.
Revamp the immigration laws? Sorry, feck no. The laws work. There’s no need to revamp the law. The law is not being faithfully upheld. America doesn’t need a flood of people coming in that don’t want to be American and fly their foreign flags. America doesn’t need these people. If they want to become Americans and become part of our society, that’s fine. America doesn’t need foreigners squatting here putting a drain on the system where those finances could be used on Americans instead. Illegal aliens cost the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars every year. That’s an unnecessary waste that could be used on better things. On Americans other than people who don’t belong here to begin with in the first place.
The reason the overwhelming majority of these foreign invaders are here is because they are falsely claiming asylum. It is a statistical fact that 99.5% of them do not qualify and have no legal business being here to start with. So feck them.
Economic benefits. That is the overwhelming number one reason that these people come here. Our countrys money is so over inflated due to inflation that it seems like everybody is a millionaire here. They want to come here for these untold riches just to send it back to their native countries. Wanting a higher paying job better than their country was paying is not a qualifying reason. Wanting to be here and have the life is not a qualifying reason. There are consulates, embassy‘s and a process that they can apply for entry and citizenship. And if they meet the legal statutes for coming here then fine. I don’t care. Good on them. But just to come here and mooch off our system and screw Americans by suppressing their jobs and wages, when Americans have it hard enough already is not a legal reason to come here.
Some of what you wrote at the bottom of your post is already law. The problem is it’s not being faithfully upheld. Once these people come in, they disappear. They’re not showing up to their court hearing for their legal asylum claims. Why? Because they know they didn’t qualify and that was just an excuse to come in. They are already supposed to be expeditiously deported. And that was happening under President Trump. But that all came to a grinding halt again once Obamanations third term BeijingBiden got into office.
We have enough laws and rules that this should, could and does work already. IF APPLIED. Like I keep saying, the law is not being faithfully upheld.
ANERICANS, have a say in who can and can’t come into our country . Illegal aliens opinions, feeling or wants do not trump Americans rights. Illegal is illegal