I built my first computer late in 1978 or early 1979, a COSMAC Elf from Radio Electronics magazine. Had 256 bytes of memory. Yes, bytes. Not kilobytes or megabytes. That is 1/4 of a typewritten page of ASCII characters. Used 8 little red LED's as output. Cost about $350 to build, and that was with the memory chips dropping sharply in price from about $300 for the 8 chips to $100. One roll of wirewrap wire was $25, and I could afford only one roll. So a difficult to trace wiring error caused it to smoke on first power up. I think they're great toys, but still not ready for prime time.And to think the .gov wants everyone to go digital currency only. I been saying it for years that if you rely on a computer to run things it will collapse at some point and then where will everyone be.