Success is not synonomous with "college" education and as a matter of fact its actually farcical wild goose chase. Very few successful people, i.e people that did not inherit their standing or wealth; including people like Romney, Ryan, Mark Zuckerburg, George Kaiser, etc. They're success is not independant. They were born into it.
All of these guys, Dem, or Rep. doesnt matter; did not acheive their success on account of their college education or necessarily through blue collar hard work; they acheived it through another entirely different secret education.
The education Im talking about is not taught in the American education system from k-P.hd, its taught through apprenticeship. Dont get me wrong, I in no way mean a skilled labor apprenticeship like Blacksmith, electrician, plumber, welder, etc. I mean an unlisted, unadvertised financial apprenticeship.
This education is strictly about one's associations. The students of this secret education didnt work hard at studying and score high on tests or did they even apply to take this coursework. They were given it freely without even asking. They were born into it, and the teachers of this clandestine education are very good at keeping it within their culture. They not only do not want the public to know, it goes against their very success if everyone knew the formula.
Why do you think Mitt Romney or George Kaiser will never tell people their financial secrets and instead tell people that success is only found through an excellent education and/or hard work? They keep perpetuating this ruse of "The American Dream" because without the masses chasing the motorized rabbit on a rail, they cant make money and entertain themselves watching us in our amusing wild goose chase.
I'm not saying that there not cracks for the lucky ones that arent born into this to slip through, people have built success 100% on their own. There are just very, very, very few of them compared to the silver spoon members.
As soon as we (actual blue collar / humble beginnings people) realize this, it opens our eyes to see the road to success more clearly. I myself have not found great finacial success yet or even the correct forumla, but I not know Ill never get there though higher education and hard work alone.
Good Post!
In it's most benevolent form it's called "networking".
In a more malevolent form it's called "good ole boys club" and it is the real secret that few want to talk about, even if they know it's true.