Seen a show on Discovery (Militia Rising) tonight and have to say these guys are idiots! Shows like these are just troubling. No wonder people think Guns should be banned. These guys are wanna be para military, couldn't make it in the real armed forces so they are playing like they are some sort of protection to the United States! One group the guys are so over weight they couldn't make it a mile on a slow walk much less protect the Twinkie he has stuffed in his face! Then there is a group that is watching the border in Arizona supposedly taking care of our borders but the act more like a bunch of guys with AR's bored for the afternoon. Scattering when a vehicle approaches worried they are a target from the Cartell, maybe they are a target because they are driving a bright red truck. Then a group that practice family extractions from homes in full battle gear and black rifles in a lived in neighborhood, there neighbors are thrilled I'm sure! These people are complete idiots and are going to get someone killed!