Mom is not amused.

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Thank you, a very polite way to hold me accountable! This guy is a clown, no wonder he is on "clown world."

I worked in a major hospital ER and a man in his mid 20's was brought in with a chunk of his upper lip missing and powder burn all over his face. He had a thick blue rag soaked in blood he was holding over the gaping wound. He said he fell walking up some steps and hit his lip on the edge of the step and it was just a "basic fat lip" and to stitch him up so he could go home. He really needed a plastic surgeon. The truth came out when his brother arrived and a nurse overheard the conversation. His brother was a police officer and was trying to get him on the force. The injured man wanted to become a police officer so he lied in the ER, knowing a gunshot wound would be reported. This is what the nurse heard:

He was drinking and walking around his apartment twirling a .357 magnum revolver drinking vodka from a bottle. He tripped over his cat and the revolver went off, taking a chunk of his upper lip with it. His story he told to his brother was filled with expletives and anger directed towards his cat.

The kid in that video is lucky he didn't shoot himself, a family member or neighbor.

I'm sorry I'm laughing. You'd have to know some of the cops I know to realize that any one of them is this guy -- but without the cat ... 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭

(I know it's really not funny funny but life has taught me 2 things -- 1. you can either laugh or cry and 2. I'm ugly enough without crying so I might as well laugh! 😉🤣🤣🤣)

And no offense to Evan or any of the rest of you yahoos who carry "the badge" but I'll watch a cop at the range 10 times closer than a brand new shooter. A lot of cops seem to think the firearms rules don't apply to them. I've crawled Grumpy's ass more than once and he's pretty careful for the most part. Maybe it was losing a friend when I was in the 7th grade to a gunshot that should have never happened -- too many complacent adults -- but I'm nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof around people and guns. Especially if the people are an unknown entity ... Or LE.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I was at our local LE range once doing some work on one of their buildings and there was 10 officers and 1 instructor there doing a hostage situation drill 10 out of 10 took the hostage out first before taking the hostage taker and they was all using a shotgun with slugs, i told myself then i wouldnt be anywhere within a 1/2 mile if i see a officer with his gun out cause no telling who he will end up shooting.

Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I'm sorry I'm laughing. You'd have to know some of the cops I know to realize that any one of them is this guy -- but without the cat ... 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭

(I know it's really not funny funny but life has taught me 2 things -- 1. you can either laugh or cry and 2. I'm ugly enough without crying so I might as well laugh! 😉🤣🤣🤣)

And no offense to Evan or any of the rest of you yahoos who carry "the badge" but I'll watch a cop at the range 10 times closer than a brand new shooter. A lot of cops seem to think the firearms rules don't apply to them. I've crawled Grumpy's ass more than once and he's pretty careful for the most part. Maybe it was losing a friend when I was in the 7th grade to a gunshot that should have never happened -- too many complacent adults -- but I'm nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof around people and guns. Especially if the people are an unknown entity ... Or LE.

Yup. I'm always a little nervous at annual requals. Some cops do not need guns! :shocked:


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
OMG ... Damned kids ... 🙄🙄🙄 I remember those days. I didn't have one last nerve left for anyone to get on. That boy will be wearing those bruises for a day or two. And, far as I'm concerned he earned every one of them ... And the numerous asschewings he's gonna get -- for a month or two. 😘
Seen this before. It's at least a couple of years old. Bet he STILL has bruises, though. ;) And deserves them! Was it my kid, I'd be tuning him up twice a week until he moved out on his own. And changed his name.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Yup. I'm always a little nervous at annual requals. Some cops do not need guns! :shocked:
Years ago, I knew a guy who was going through training at CLEET. He said the LEO on the lane next to him only qualified because the instructor didn’t notice that one of the holes in the black was a different caliber than the others...


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Yup. I'm always a little nervous at annual requals. Some cops do not need guns! :shocked:


When I worked at H&H I looked out on the range one day and saw a CLEET certified instructor looking down the barrel of a revolver with his finger squarely on the trigger. 😳😳😳😳 This man was teaching a class full of kids (an armed security class from one of the vo-techs around here) that the proper way to check a revolver to make sure the cylinder was clear after a misfire was to LOOK DOWN THE BARREL OF THE GUN AND PULL THE TRIGGER!!!! 😡😡😡😡

Jesus Christ, I still get a pit in my stomach thinking about it. I called that man everything but a white man when I found out what he was doing. Damn near got fired. 🙄🙄🙄 After he went to Miles' office to ***** about me I taught the class a quick lesson on how not to kill themselves accidentally and went back to the counter.

The couple of guys in the class that had any firearms knowledge thanked me because they had wanted to say something but didn't want to get dinged in class. I couldn't fault them too much -- they were 21, 22 -- and the old man teaching the class was your stereotypical ******* who knows it all.

Sheesh ... That job aged me 100 years ... Lol

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