I fought my mower decks clogging up on my zero turns and it was a ***** to keep clean for the last several years! I installed water clean out nozzles on my decks and they have solved my issues! Hook the hose and let it run a few minutes, depends on how wet I mow that determines the length of “wet” clean out running time!
@rawhide helped out on suggesting the cutting out excess metal under the deck that is utilized when using a grass catcher. The excess metal encourages the clogging! I will never use a grass catcher so cut off the obstructed metal. Thanks @rawhide !!
@rawhide helped out on suggesting the cutting out excess metal under the deck that is utilized when using a grass catcher. The excess metal encourages the clogging! I will never use a grass catcher so cut off the obstructed metal. Thanks @rawhide !!