My thoughts on a "Dreamer" compromise

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Aug 27, 2007
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Smallville, OK
To avoid deportation, they must begin the process of becoming a citizen within "X" years of becoming eligible (18 y.o., permanent resident for 5 years [or 3 yrs. if married to a citizen], if they do not begin the process in the specified time they would be subject to deportation.

For those that do begin the process, must become a citizen within "Y" years or be subject to deportation.



Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Well the problem with these so called “dreamers” is that the majority are not little kids like the media and the Dems want everyone to believe. Most are over 18 and many are in their late twenties. They have had years to try and become citizens LEGALLY, yet haven’t. They have been living here enjoying the benefits of being an American all the while not being one. Many have criminal records and many do not wish to assimilate. When migrants used to come to America it was because they knew how great a country it was and wanted to be a citizen and better themselves and their families. Fast forward to today. These Mexicans don’t want to be Americans. They want to be Mexicans yet enjoy American benefits. Now don’t get me wrong, I know they aren’t all bad. But they ARE ALL CRIMINALS! And the excuse of “ they didn’t have any say coming over here” is not gonna cut it. Whether they did or didn’t is a moot point. How many taxes have these “dreamers” paid? How much have they contributed to our country? Do they speak English? Most of us know the answer to those questions. The fact that America caters to Mexicans is a disgrace. If you come to America you dang sure better speak English. Because I guarantee If it were the other way around you wouldn’t see Mexico catering to us. We need to take care of our OWN citizens. We have people living on the street yet we are debating whether or not we should allow criminals to become citizens.

Dr. HK

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Feb 18, 2008
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I have an issue with this, and there really isnt an easy or best way to handle this. One we as a nation have no idea how many illegal aliens we have in this country. Secondly a subculture of them rebranded themselves as dreamers.

What happens to my kids dreams? Can Americans not dream?

I say if they want to stay, no chain migration, no visa lottery, no diversity lottery, highly highly monitored HB1 visas with a plan in place to train American workers over a 5 year period. After 5 years no more HB1 visas. We already allow over 1 million immigrants here yearly. I would like to see a moratorium on ALL legal immigration for 10 years. The only exception would be 40,000 annually for very critical highly skilled jobs, or some other reason. In addition ankle monitors for our worker visas for farm industry only.

Now the strings attached. 1) you have a choice join the military for 5 years (NO GI Bill), or pay $10k per year you have been here in back taxes, pay out of state tuition for college if you attend college, no bilingual interpreters provided if you cant understand the language bring someone to translate for you. If you cannot afford a $10k per year back tax, then you can work public service jobs such as cleaning graffiti, pick up trash, work in a VA center, work to beautify cities such as lawn, etc.

It is not fair for the ones here to be in front of the line, or stay here until their number is picked. We need Americans first. We no longer manufacture anything, our jobs, our safety must come first.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
To avoid deportation, they must begin the process of becoming a citizen within "X" years of becoming eligible (18 y.o., permanent resident for 5 years [or 3 yrs. if married to a citizen], if they do not begin the process in the specified time they would be subject to deportation.

For those that do begin the process, must become a citizen within "Y" years or be subject to deportation.


I think that is a reasonable idea.

Unfortunately everyone is polarized into “let them all in” and “screw them even if they were brought here as kids. Do it legal or get out!” (Which is funny coming from the “Sooner” state lol).

Dr. HK

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2008
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Well I tel my libs that want complete open boarders and their sob stories of oh they were kids no fault of their own. I say it’s simple . If two parents go and rob banks and come home and shower their kids with money that was stole from the bank. However on their last bank robbery they were caught so the FBI, police, etc went and looked at their house and found a stash of money. Should the kids be punished because the parents stole the money? Should t the kids be able to keep the money because it was their parents and no fault of their own. It’s the exact same argument. The kids benefited from America’s generosity and finally got caught. Kick them out. It’s the parents fault.


In Remembrance / March 2023
Special Hen
Apr 28, 2008
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You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope that some day you'll join us..and like, the world will be as one, man. Imagine there's no possessions..I wonder if you can? Like, no need for greed or even hunger. You know, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the folks sharing all the world! may say I'm a dreamer,man. But, I'll bet I'm not the only one.


Special Hen
Nov 19, 2012
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Let them stay as long as they pay for their own keep & obey the laws. They just won't ever be eligible to vote unless they leave, apply for entry & get in and become citizens. Why should the right to cast a vote, that my Forefathers passed down to me through paying taxes & serving in the armed forces be cancelled out by an intruder?

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